Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Little Birdie Knick Knack Makeover

There is no telling what might strike one's fancy sometimes.

For me, last fall for the holidays, the little resin something birds with scarves and other  decorations were being sold (around $7.00 US).

The bird in the photo had a dark green scarf. It fell off the shelf and broke its tail, and a piece out of its side (under the end of the scarf far left). 

I used glue to stuff and smooth over paper towels in the hole as the piece wasn't found. When it dries, I will use an emory board to smooth it out before painting.

The feet were gray metal. I used acrylic paint to fancy up the scarf. The beak has also been painted. The eye has a spot of blue.

I don't put out a lot knick knacks. But that little bird just makes me smile, so out it goes right where I can see it. The body is a bit smaller than a real robin. A substantail bird, the height of the legs, I feel, makes it stand out more. Dusting my mother's knick knack too almost an hour there were so many.

Do you have a favorite knick knack?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

When Emails Go Weird

What happened?

Today, I find 50 emails from retail, websites, and information places I am registered with. That is a surprise because it really hasn't been that long since I checked my emails.

What is spam folder that rarely has any emails, has near 2 dozen!

What have I done differently? Hm?
Yesterday I installed Opera. 
I have been checking my X aka Twitter page daily for over a week. 
I registered to receive emails from a new online retailer.

Which one is the possible source of the spam?
The new online retailer.

Google Gmail decide to change things up in categories. And for some dumb reason, Gmail now adds emails, that should only be located in the In Boxes, into the categories, Update, Promotion and such. It is a nightmare. 

There are online retailers that I like to receive their emails. As it is now, I will be unsubscribing to all but about a half dozen.

P.S. Wouldn't ya know there's hardly any emails.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Adventures in Social Media

Cedar Waxwings
Browsing along, laughs galore, interesting questions, fun in general on X aka Twitter, I got to thinking again about Life.

Science supports that human remains are best preserved where the climate conditions are ideal for such preservation to take place. Archaelogical evidence tells us the area had human activity. 

There is no scientific evidence to date that I know of that defines where human life began. In Africa then migrated to Asia or in Asia migrated to Africa, the big deal over where we began can might lead us to understand the conditions of our scientific birth. 

Interesting thought: What if all that will be left is what there is today? Social Media can cause a person to ponder such questions.