Showing posts with label Small Business Administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Small Business Administration. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Online Selling, the Snafu of Snafus

Before this blog began, I had another blog named Five Brooms Art. In those days selling art online was a realistic goal. Then. The research on what it takes to sell online, have a small business, was too overwhelming for me. My dream was shelved.

It makes no sense to me that there isn't a standard model to follow for small business online sellers that is easy to navigate. In some states there may be. In Vermont there is not.

If you have any income based benefits or restrictions, then a small business can be a disaster because you might not only lose benefits, you might incur higher payments, through income level changes for medical coverage, for example. 
That's a lot of reading comprehension to delve into. The business plans that I brainstormed show me that I could  might make enough income to make myself much worse off, as in more poor than I already am. 

There's a lot to take in...what type and size of business, sole proprietor, self-employed, small business, physical address, money in the bank, name registration, domain name, insurance, file quarterly taxes with the IRS,budget, website, website venues, and more. 

I like systems that are 1, 2, 3...sign here. Packet style.

The snafu of snafus is there isn't a packet. You need your boots on the ground setting up your business. Number one to me is to write a business plan. Then. How to make going forward easier?


Use the resources that are available to you. The Small Business Administration and Score are good places to start.

10 Steps to start your business, Small Business Administration

Starting a business in Vermont

Above all, if you want an online business, then Research, Research, Research.