Showing posts with label mums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mums. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

End of the Year 2023


from Reflection Monday

However you chose
to approach life,
Please Pay Attention
to the World around you.
Be respectful of others,
as well as yourself.


Lichen On an Old Apple Tree Branch

A favorite photograph taken at the 
Robert Frost Interpretative Trail.


I accidently flipped paint off my palette knife 
onto my neck where it made quite a mess.
Made me laugh.


The Huddle

On a Sunday morning, I became fascinated
by dinner rolls.


Plume Moth

The yearly visit of a plume moth.


Otter Creek Basin

A good place to take water study photos.

Thunderstorm Weather Symbol
Creating small signage from scrap wood is fun.


Have a Delicious Ingredients' Weekend!

Design your own tartan
Hand sew a fall fleece hat 
Read about the Coriolis Effect
Poach pears
Create a veggie goulash
Sing to a summer squash
Go for a walk with a friend
Read a few Shakespeare Sonnets
Tell your Wok a story


Pink cosmos were brilliant in the summer of 2023.


Shopping for mums in October


A sunset to remember in November 2023.



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Mum, Weather, Drained & One Thing

Middlebury Garden Center

Selecting mums this year was a challenge. In the various stages of blooming, I wanted plants that will bloom into October at a time when I want to see a lot of flowers open. 
The large golden mums bloomed early. If I don't look close, then those mums have nice color.
The golden rust mums have been the most spectacular. The deeper red is a close second on length of bloom and vibrant color.
Next year will be easier to chose using my notes from this year.

Weather. The ambient temperatures are cooler at this lower elevation at 194 feet (59 m) in Vermont close to Lake Champlain. In comparison, Stowe, Vermont is 889 feet (271 m). The highest peak in Vermont is Mount Mansfield at 4395 feet (1339 m) with the lower Stowe nearby.  
In my backyard, I see a lot of green just barely turning colors. Up in Stowe, the foliage map indicates it is peak foliage. I expect with this week's lower temperatures, that peak foliage in the mountains and hollows will excelerate. In other words, this week is good for a leaf peeping excursion.

Drained. Not everything that happens in life needs to by ananlyzed. Feeling drained of energy, for example, doesn't need to reason unless it is chronic. I have no idea why I feel so drained of energy, especially when I love to see the foliage. 
The other morning after getting a take out coffee, I wanted to keep driving up to the mountains. I had on long pants and a jacket. Problem, I was wearing sandals! By the time I got back indoors, I didn't feel like getting ready to go back out. I told myself it is a peak holiday weekend where there are lots of folks out and about. For a few minutes, I thought about why I was so lazy. Two days later, I might go for a short looksee at the foliage. Or I might stare at the fabric foliage I stuck into the window lace curtain.

One Thing. If I don't go out to get a best autumn photo, and hopefully a landscape to paint, then I won't be ready to start the as I go progress painting series this year. My plans depend on my doing that one thing.
Still in my pajamas at noon time, I think laundry can wait. The floors were washed yesterday. The dishes are almost finished. There's a flannel shirt waiting for me to get out and about...sometime this week.

How are your energy levels? Do they fluctuate in the fall?

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Wet Laundry Brain, Mums & Asters


Wet Laundry
The frequent rain this summer has my new ideas leaning sympathetically into a wet laundry brain. The ability to brainstorm is on the move eastward out to sea.

I frequently put down on blank notebook paper random subjects to write about, explore, ponder. With a whiff of autumn in the air, new ideas should easily flow. They are not.

An area of study is up front, though, Science. What about science I have yet to discover why it is on my mind. Thus, I've decided to re-read a favorite book by Hans C. Von Baeyer, Rainbows, Snowflakes and Quarks: Physics and the World Around Us, 1984, that I first read well over 20 years ago.

Books I re-read provide a unique experience to explore where my mind has been. Like visiting an old friend, they will give me a life on refresh moment.

Are there books you want to re-read?

$7.99 Mums

On another note

Does anyone remember when mums were on sale 3 for $12.00?

In this area they are now $5.97 to $8.99 for the 5 or 6 inch pot.

This year I bought asters to add a warm hue to the garden. The color is actually a dark rich purple with little red tint. Think crayon purple.

Happy Swap Ideas Day!