Showing posts with label retina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retina. Show all posts

Friday, September 01, 2023

Starting the Month Ouch Right

Handmade composition viewer
from a cracker box

Preparing for photograph excursions this fall, I want to make my own composition viewers. On YouTube I found a lovely tutorials. 
So there I was chomping on whole wheat Carr's crackers when I decide to cut up the box and make a composition viewer.

The small viewer is covered in blue painter's tape to give it stability. I'll make one with a larger opening, and one that is adjustable.


The last week of August was slow with a few nice weather days. Not summery, but when the sun is out, I feel grateful.

Fall in the air sends my thoughts to a garden project where I plan to put in a nice autumn scene with mums, corn stalks, and pumpkin cut outs in wood and painted.
The short of the story, looking for a jigsaw, I found my old sander on the cupboard top shelf. 
Wrangling it to the edge, I had it right towards my waiting hands when the wire tiered basket (2+ feet tall) on the shelf next to it decides to also tumble. I saw it. I knew where it was going. I just didn't have hands, time, or fast enough reaction to get out of the way or stop it from landing across my forehead above my eye. 
You know what I have now?

An eye sore.*

*No bruising or wound though, just sore. 
Correction, light blue bump, 
Small ice bag slides off when watching YouTube.
I Google head injuries to refresh what I already know.
Head injuries can impact the retina. Years ago that happened,
flashing lights in my peripheral vision. Doctor back then said not detached, but be careful, and go to doctor if it happens again. This accident wasn't that bad, thankfully.