Saturday, April 20, 2024

Random Saturday Thoughts


Memory is interesting.

I can remember half a dozen or more long unique passwords, but struggle remembering what I did yesterday. Why? Well, I don't relive yesterday over and over again. I do use a password multiple times every day.

I remember my high school boyfriend's birthday, but have to stop and think of my own. Getting old is easy to put out of mind.

The oldest memories I have are being in a crib, drinking from a bottle, and sleeping on two plush arm chairs pushed together in my grandmother's living room because our attic apartment had no heat. 

Today, if I have appointments, I put them on my no service old Samsung cell phone (ringer on my iphone13 doesn't always sound), write it down in a planner book, set an alarm, and sometimes tape up a note.

I admire folks with good memories that in a conversation, can recall just about anything without hesisitation. As I age, every little thing I forget can become cause to worry I'm losing my mind. Being elderly means being on constant surveilance of those signs of dementia or alzheimer's disease. 

When you think about it, there isn't a time in life when one isn't vigilent about one harmful thing or another. Age only changes what we think about.

P.S. Some of this week's posts feel like reruns. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Day 109 of Week 16 April 2024

Lake Champlain in April 2024
Upstate New York at Fort Saint Frederic

The beautiful Chartreuse buds on the trees are everywhere. An audience waiting for a spring concert of leaves to begin playing in the wind is one of the many delights of the season of new growth.

So what's up?

Well, my 2024 change of lifestyle doesn't seem to be much different than 2023. The changes I have made are subtle. 
For example, my attitude has improved as I am less tolerant of worrying too much over tiny things. If stress becomes too high, then nightmares will let me know when to make asjustments. I've discovered a color I look best wearing, navy blue. Not having bread every day doesn't ruin my life. Forgetting to buy ketchup so often is not a betrayal of the my New England (Boston Area) roots (of ketchup on most everything).  

How is 2024 going for you? Noticed any changes in attitude? Menu? Fashion sense?

This year, I put a purchase limit to one pair of sandals. Pleased with my online thrift order, the sandals fit, but they need to stretch out to be comfortable. Given a strap does go over my arthritic toe, the limit on sandals is now at 3, with an emphasis on no straps across the big toe. 

I've begun to put together a paint and picnic tote. The thrift store had a good selection of small well sealed containers that are perfect for fruit and veggies. I wish I bought a few more.
This summer, the goal is to prep 2 days of fruit and vegetables instead of preparing a single meal each day. The reduction of waste by doing that is a plus as too many times fruit and vegetables are pushed to the back of the fridge to be forgotten.  If the weather is good, then I can quickly put together a picnic and be outdoors.

Have a Summery Thinking Weekend!

Browse fun tee shirts online
Bake carrots and apples
Sing to your garden space
Buy new garden gloves
Clean out your vehicle
Glue a together a collage
Take photos of tree buds

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Panorama Photos

Route 17, Addison, Vermont
Snake Mountain (center)
Green Mountains in the distance
Left Photo

Right Photo

Cropped center left
Note the cumulus cloud

Panorma View
Route 17, West Addison, Vermont

To paint from photographs, I sometimes create a panorma image. 

I crop from a point where in both pictures, there is an identifiable feature. In the photo above, the cumulus cloud with the dome is a good place. From there I can see the section that overlaps in each image.

The scale of the painting is another story. I can condense, and lose the vastness of the landscape or I can go wide vertical to capture the breath of the image.

This particular landscape is perfect for a 4 season photograph. The fields in early spring will not all be plowed. In summer, there will be corn growing there. In fall the corn will be dry and in the stages of being harvested. In winter, there will be snow on the fields and/or on the Green Mountains.  
When the pictures were taken, the ground was in the process of drying out from lots of rain. You can see on the left center where some of the fields are plowed (dark soil).


Once again it is overcast, dreary, and raining. I managed to have a sound uneventful sleep last night, and a nap this morning. I'm reducing my stress by switching my get out around people more, (a chore for sure) by going to a library no hassles just show up gathering. For exercise today, laundry. For soul fun, a few watercolor sketches of the photos above.  And for the brain, watching the Moorsea calming video from the YouTube channel, My Tranquilitee.

Have a Lovely Day!