Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reflection Monday February 2016

Beginning with Old, digital photo, ©Maywyn Studio
This photo is one of the first I used for a blog banner. Cropped and edited, the banner is filed away as the old blog morphed into Maywyn Studio.  The old wrought iron fence was removed a few years ago when the property was renovated. It is missed and so are the roses.

Reflecting on where then and where when is a theme this year that's feels right against the amazement of 2000 bringing us into another century.

Blogging began for me as a means to maintain a small path to my small world with the hope there would be a day when I can handle selling my art online.  Eight years blogging is a long time preparing, waiting, wondering if. Hope is still present, and quite a gift to have.

I have cyber met wonderful people through blogging. I'm very grateful to all the readers here that have been so fantastic over the years.

However, the energy to keep this blog going is at an all time low.  Thus, there will be a transition to a photo blog like the "Branches" post instead of a farewell.

If you live in your own home or a place where repairs are done without hassles, and in a timely manner, then reflect on how very valuable that is. 
Embrace your good fortune.  
Living without dread is a precious gift.


  1. Photo blog - I like that idea very much! Happy Monday!

    1. Hi Tanya,
      I'm learning it can take as long to chose a photo to post as it does to write a post. lol
      Have a Happy Week!

      Oh, the Tink yarn recommend...Thank you! I found yarn that even better than perfect color I'm looking for.

  2. I totally get what you are doing here May and can appreciate the need to go back to the beginning. I have been meaning to search out my first photo as well. At the moment I am happy to catch up with people and wanted to say how much I appreciated your Christmas message. I thought I would get around to cards myself but it never happened. Just wanted to say how much I appreciated it. I think your photo blog is a great idea and I agree...choosing a photo for a post is just as challenging...which I why I like easy at times! Best wishes May.. :)

    1. Hi Jeanne,
      Your Christmas photos of the Tahilla Farm are everything that's beautiful about New England.
      I appreciate your perspective to be on "Edit." That's a lovely way to reevaluate goals when moving forward. Such a kind and classy word takes the pressure off searching and making decisions. :)

      Best Wishes to You as well!


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