Reflection Monday, May 2020


Seek out and read about issues
from a variety of reliable sources.
Be Well Informed 


  1. Excellent advice. Thank you!

    1. Hi Debra,
      Government agencies are helpful websites, and they have links.

  2. Hope you had a yummy day! Here's to having a wonderful week.

  3. Interesting links - thank you. I think our preparedness plans will be much different in the times to come. No more expectation of things we might need being accessible when we might need them and we must learn either to keep a store on hand or change our expectations.

    1. Hi Maryanne,
      I agree, keep a store on hand is the right thinking.
      Instead of stocking up, I've been adding a few things here and there, a can of beans, tuna, cream soups, and such.

    2. Exactly what I plan to do - add a few things here and there. I don't think it's right to stock up hugely at any one time because that's not fair to the rest of the shoppers. Instead I will buy one or two of some things at any one time and eventually the shelves in the pantry will be filled. Being considerate of others is the best way.

    3. Being considerate of others is a rule to live by.


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