Reflection Monday, October 2022

Your Health
how well you take of yourself...
Physicals, shots, tests,
diet, dental, exercise, 
skin map, mental health,
air quality, home safety,
social life, 
preparedness, first aid, phone numbers,
health care proxy,
emergency person(s)
health news resources.

Think Healthy


  1. Doing my best to try! I have six med appointments this month -- and that doesn't count my current pneumonia-related visits. It gets old but its essential.

  2. Jeanie,
    Good word, essential
    Prayers all appointments go well and you are feeling better

  3. Got both the shots and the booster for COVID and was waiting a few weeks to get the Bivalent booster, but COVID caught me! Aw well, the illness was milder and I even exercised yesterday.

  4. Tabor,
    It is good you are recovering well. Your elk adventure is a treat to read about.

  5. We try to look after our health but it's more difficult now with doctors wanting to do phone consults instead of in person. I never thought I'd say it but I miss my yearly physical! Covid shots up to date (next one's due end of December) and on the list for a flu shot as soon as they have them available. Emergency contacts and powers of attorney up to date too. Prepared as we can be I think.

  6. I have to force myself to get my check ups and dental cleanings, as I really dislike any medical interference. But I know it's necessary. Sigh.

  7. Maryanne,
    I aspire to be as prepared and up to date as you are. Paperwork feels to me like puuling teeth, mine.

    We share a dislike of medical intervention. I do necessary tests to decrease increasing medical contact.

  8. All of these are great suggestions and hopefully many of us will heed at least more than one.

  9. Beatrice,
    Chosing one is a toss up for me between tests and shots. :)


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