Days of April Showers

Ground Ivy

 Rain for a few days has brought me some relief from allergy issues. On a dry morning, I saw the tell tale sign of budding trees by the thin coating of powdery green on the hood.
Imagine breathing that stuff.

Before the April showers arrived, the tiny purple flowers of ground ivy aka catsfoot, dotted the lawn.
Dandelions will be next.

Have a Wonderful Week


  1. May the dampness of spring continue to give you some relief from allergies!

  2. I'm glad you got some April showers. It helps make everything green in Spring. So sorry about your allergies. I hear people suffer terribly with them during this season.

    You also have a wonderful week. : )


  3. That powdery 'stuff' makes a mess of the car, that's for sure. And it's no wonder we have allergies if we're breathing that in. Yuck.
    I think I'm in the minority in saying that I look forward to seeing the dandy-lions.

  4. Lovely spring photo ~ be well ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Marie,
    A good wash air rain at night would be ideal. :)

  6. Sheri,
    Last year allergy reports, I believe, are similar to this year. We had rain again today.

  7. Maryanne,
    Dandelions are a favorite with me as well. It puzzles me why some folks dislike them.

  8. Carol,
    Spring is nearly at peak blooming up here in Vermont's lower elevation.

  9. We're just having cold. Yesterday is snowed and sleeted. It didn't stick but temps below freezing. C'mon spring!

  10. Warm greetings to you.

  11. Dandelions will be a May thing here.

  12. A wonderful last days of April to you, Viola
    There is a lot of green blooming here in Vermont.

  13. William,
    There are big fields of dandelions in this Vermont county in spring.
    I hope this year I don't miss it because they seem to go seed puffs fairly fast.

  14. Jeanie,
    That's the awful part of early spring. In Michigan, though, y'all can have cold temperatures from what I've heard. No more sleet and snow would be nice there.

  15. Yep - saw on the news that allergy season is starting early - I can imagine it where it's warm enough for things to actually start popping out. Still snowin here - but all this moisture will make for an itchy month to come. Take care.

  16. Pattie,
    Snow in thecsoring can be pretty.
    We had a spike of warm temperatures that perked things up. It feels like trees went green overnight.

  17. My dandelions hit full force yesterday. Now you see 'em, now you don't!

  18. Rain is always welcome at this time of year to wash away the yellow pollen. we park our cars underground here at the mill apts but still get the effects as the garage is ot fully enclosed. Glad to read your allergy symptoms have lessened somewhat.

  19. Beatrice,
    It is good y'all have some covered parking.
    Here, cleaning off car to move for the plowing takes the fun out of winter.

  20. The glory of a sunny day in spring is only enhanced with the dandelion blooms!

  21. Marie,
    That is true.
    I will be looking for the dandelion fields despite the rain. :)

  22. April so often provides sunshine and showers and here in the UK it has again!

    All the best Jan

  23. Jan,
    More rain for here in New England.

  24. Any purple flower is a lovely thing! Dandelions are sweet.
    Glad you've had some relief from allergies. Some family are dealing with them, too. :(


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