Happy Blogaversary!


Thank You!
Every visitor is greatly appreciated. Your wonderful contributions have enriched my life through this fascinating writing journey.


My summer hat is a photo taken in my early days of blogging*, used as a profile picture. 

This blog began April 2012, 11 short years ago under a different name. Two or three title changes since, Salty Pumpkin Studio is the last name this blog will have. 

Besides, Google's number of blogs allowed per account is 100 blogs.
Last I counted, I have created over the years an estimated couple of dozen. Many were never published or lasted a short time. At present, the new blog I posted about last year, had to be put on hold in order for me to deal with life events.
When the day is right, the day will be right to take the project forward.

*I first began blogging in 2008, I think in December, on another website.


  1. So glad you're celebrating your blogaversary...eleven years is great. Not many bloggers continue with it that long!

  2. congrats on your blogaversary

  3. Thank yiu Everyone!
    All Y'all Are the Best!

  4. Oh congratulations Maywyn on your blog anniversary. I know I have been following you most likely since April 2012. Amazing how time flies when one is enjoying each other's company. Hugs!

  5. Thank you Debbie

    You are actually the first person to leave a comment on my blog. It was a shock, and a wonderfully good surprise! lol

  6. How wonderful you had this blog since 2012! And you've been blogging since 2008, wow! Love the hat you shared with us. It looks so Springy. We started in 2011, so it's been awhile for us too. Our blogs are like our journals, they are special to us.


  7. Happy Blog Anniversary and love the straw hat ~ so creative ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Thank you, Sheri🥳 and Carol🥳

  9. I missed this post! Belated Blog anniversary greetings! Love the hat photo and I'm so glad you are here!

  10. Happy belated Blovaversary to you, my blogger friend and thanks for your blog posts too. While I have not been reading your posts for a long time and may not comment on all as time is always a factor in trying to comment on posts, I do enjoy them. Like yourself, I have also started and abandoned a couple of blogs, far below the 100 blogs that Google allows. I believe we may both have started blogging around the same time and hope it continues for the foreseeable future.

  11. Belated Happy Blogiversary! :)


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