Another Plume Moth

Plume Moth
26 May 2023

Every year on my deck, a plume moth visits. I've even found one sunning on my vehicle. The plume in the photo was there for hours. It does not flinch when the sliding screen door opens and closes or when I near it.

They take the form of a T when at. As a pest, snapdragons that I plant every year, (some reseed) can be damaged. Otherwise, it is a cute moth most active at night.


For the long weekend

Make coffee syrup 

Create a clock face 
Draw butterflies
Listen to piano music
Turn your at home radio on
Browse linen shirts online
Read about the history of sewing patterns
Consider a local group walk
Sing to a flower
Dance on a shadow

27 May 2023 Back Again
On the outside


  1. i'm having a war with kitchen moths. I think there are no cute moths anymore!

  2. Jeanie,
    Where kitchen moths come from is a mystery to me. I hope you find an eco friendly solution.

  3. A friend comes to visit.

  4. I don't recall hearing of those before.

  5. Not the same, but we have the occasional moth that's flying about in our apartment. I'm rather afraid that they're wool moths but haven't been able to find the source. At least our moths are much smaller than your visitor!
    Won't be making coffee syrup but some more cold brew is in the plan.

  6. Those moths can be pesky little things. I saw one in the laundry room not long ago, and opened the door, and it flew out. I liked your list, especially "turn your radio on." I used to have one in the kitchen, and I've been wanting to get another one. It's nice to listen to music while we cook. ; )

    Have a nice Memorial Day weekend.


  7. William,
    They aren't easy to see like the divas I have here.

  8. Maryanne,
    Cold brew sounds wonderful!
    At 3 PM EDT here in Vermont,
    the temperature was 42°C(89°F)!

  9. Sheri,
    A radio on in the morning was a must as we got ready for school. Radios were everywhere back in the 1950s.

  10. I only found out recently that these are moths. I'm not sure what I thought they were before...I think they are kinda cute! Best wishes.

  11. We've had a few tiny moths visit...

    All the best Jan

  12. Lisa,
    There's a plume moth on my screen going on day 4.

  13. Jan,
    There's been small moths here since late April +/-.


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