The About the Out: Toads

Toad Habitat

This blogger was spray painting one of two planters. As I'm removing a stone, an American toad appears. Gloves on, up goes the toad to the other planter via human transportation. 

Task done. I see movement in the unpainted planter's soil. I shade the toad with another stone. The sun was hot. A few seconds later, the toad is gone.

A 1.5 foot tall planter is quite a leap for a small toad. I have seen one climb. I am guessing when the deck was crowded with stuff, he climbed into the planter.

Searching online how high can toads jump, how get in planters, etcetera, the results show that toads in planters and flower pots is a common problem.

After moving debris, I heard what sounds like an unhappy toad in the shrubs. 

Careful out there in the garden.


  1. He was probably perfectly content until being disturbed.

  2. Makes me wonder if I might have a toad in one the pots on the deck
    ~ great info ~ bet he misses your planter ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I can't remember when I last saw a toad (we don't have them on the Island) but I have frogs in my garden pond.

  4. William,
    I think yiu are right.

    The loud toad sounds like it is in the cable box. I looked, but didn't see one. Yesterday, I heard the same noise. When I water my flowers, I'll water the nearest shrub.

  5. Carol,
    I will be surprised if you don't have a tree frog or toad nearby.

  6. Graham,
    Frogs in ponds give hours of entertainment.

  7. I’ve never seen a toad near humans, only when we encroach on its natural habitat.

  8. I often used to find a puzzled toad in the living room when I brought in houseplants in the fall. My cats were terrified of them, even the tiny ones. Such fearless hunters.

  9. Oh, the frogs kind of freak me out. I heard one for a long time (ribit) outside my window at the time it rained, but when going outside, no frogs were found. It sounds like you were brave with the toad situation. I don't like how they jump up so fast and startle us haha.


  10. Marie,
    Vermont toads add magic to a garden. The tree frogs are delightful on house trim. I've seen one turn blue to match the window sill.
    Toads just sit in the same place.

  11. Liz,
    That is funny. Maybe toads have natural go away cat scent.

  12. Sheri,
    Frogs can be loud. When it rains, sounds like that frog was singing for the shower. lol

  13. We used to be able to hear the frogs/toads singing at night where we lived previously but I think there's too much boat traffic on the river here and they don't seem to be around. I think toads do a lot of good in the garden because they eat all sorts of insects.

  14. Maryanne,
    Toads are important to the environment. Swampy areas, ponds and such, at night they can be too loud and numerous.

  15. Years ago I found a toad or a frog clinging to the top screen of the back storm door. It was a tiny little thing. I should find the picture and a reason to share it. :)


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