The Relief of Sorting

At Sorting Level 2

Little by little, think on it, relax, do other tasks, think more, have a meal, and back again to do a little, day after day after day.

Sorting for me this spring has been an experience of discovery. The more I go through stuff, the more stuff I have to go through. In the past, clearing up, organizing didn't feel like it does this year.

A change has been in the area of the junk drawer. This sorting I dump most of it into a grocery bag and shipping cardboard piece. 
The total I estimate could fit into 4 or 5 plastic shoe boxes. I want it in one.
I am seriously considering putting it all in a clear resin lamp form for a Steampunk vibe.

A bonus, the a new craft, paint and sew area with its own chair. 
I am pleased the last and 3rd level of sorting is the easiest.

<-- Desk
--> Craft/paint/sew area


  1. You're more organized than me.

  2. William,
    I'm more organized than me as well. lol

  3. I love your craft and paint and sew area. It looks like it gets lots of light.

  4. Debra,
    Thankfully there are 2 sides to sit away from the a/c fan this summer.

  5. I saw a pinterest 'thing' the other day where a mother had kept all the pocket gleanings from doing laundry for her son, put them into one of those lamps, and gave it to him as a wedding gift. I thought that was very clever. Our junk drawer is very small and thus can't hold a whole lot so it tends not to get too messy.

  6. Maryanne,
    Small junk drawers can bring out the creativity in a person.
    I have a few wallpaper covered boxes as junk drawer substitutes. :)

  7. Steampunk is interesting.
    Oh, I need to sort/purge/organize a few areas. Has it been that long? How do all the things accumulate?
    A nice craft, paint, sew space ... enjoy!!

  8. Mary,
    At night, I laugh to think pixies redecorate by adding more stuff. :)

  9. It's nice that you have a new crafting area and chair to work on your projects. Sometimes going through things, sorting them out, and organizing has wonderful benefits for us. That's good that you are doing this right now. Good for you. : )


  10. Sheri,
    Every year there's a moment of realizing I'm not completely ready for summer. This year, preparations are going to make the sunshine days feel slower. :)


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