For the Weekend

Along Otter Creek

The boats are gone. Most likely rowed beautifully to the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum  where the creek meets open lake waters.

Visiting the falls park in Vergennes is a treat year round, but especially in the summer when folks picnic, fish, go boating, walk dogs, walk the path, and just take in lovely nature and community. 

For artists, there is docking for boats that visit each summer, sail and motor boats, wonderful painting and photography subjects. Whenever possible, ask the boater for permission to paint or photograph.

Boat people as they are called locally, are very welcome here.


 Have a scrumptious weekend!

Pick your own strawberries
Make strawberry sorbet
Read about strawberry history
Bake a strawberry & custard pie
Mash strawberries, add teaspoon sugar, in a glass, give the mash a decent splash of quality gin
Say hi to Tanqueray or try a locally distilled gin


Stop by to see Lisa's artwork and wish her a 600th Post Blogaversary.

Seaside Studios


  1. sounds like a lovely area
    great ideas for strawberries- I love strawberries too

  2. Kathy,
    Earlier was nice weather with only a tiny amount of humidity. As the day goes on, the moisture in the air becomes uncomfortable. Meanwhile, thunder rumbling but no rain yet.

  3. William,
    It is a lovely and cool spot in the shade.

  4. Beautiful photo of the creek ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Carol, the morning there was ideal, people around and good weather.

  6. We used to see a lot of boats going up and down on the river just outside our building but not so many the past couple of years. I suspect gas prices have a lot to do with that, coupled with the fact that there's no reason for them to stop here. Our 'town fathers' have no foresight into creating an attractive stopping point and block any attempts to do anything. Then they cry in their beer because the tourist dollars are down. Hopefully the weather will warm up and attract a few of them (the boats, not the idiot bureaucrats)

  7. Maryanne,
    A shuttle bus here use to transport boat people to grocery stores. I'm not sure what service is available now.
    With the pandemic overish, I hope our summers both have more tourists.

  8. A lovely photograph.

    All the best Jan

  9. Thank you, Jan
    Lovely place to visit


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