Farewell Rainy June 2023

28 June 2023, 8:17 PM EDT
over Vermont

 A glance out the window in late afternoon captured my attention the other day because the sky was a hazy smokey color. The setting sun glows through the clouds making the sky appear as a very pale yellow hue.
It is an eerie sky to see.
I didn't read or see smoke alerts from the Canada forest fires until the next day. 
Air moves as it moves. 
The smoke flow map shows the area where I live in Vermont as moderate.

Have a Smokeless Weekend!

Pray for Peace
Think about Peace
Talk about Peace
Make Peace when you can
Tell Old Glory 
a true story about Peace


  1. Have a smoke free weekend! Let’s hope!

  2. That's been what our sky has looked like quite a lot over the past while...it certainly gives an odd look to everything. We've had the windows shut up tight which is no fun when it's finally warm enough that we could leave them open.

  3. Marie,
    The air quality map shows more smoke. In a few days, there might be less.

    Have a great weekend

  4. Maryanne,
    Prayers to Canada!
    Stay safe
    It was cool enough a day or so ago to leave the patio door open here. Now, doors and windows are closed up, and no gardening.
    I learned about sky color during a wildfire in the American Rockies in the 1960s. Eerie is the skies are.

  5. Yes, all these things about PEACE is wonderful. THANK YOU.


  6. Happy 4th of July Sheri!

  7. It has been so odd here all week. Hopefully on the mend soon. I'm north now and it seems better.

  8. Jeanie,
    Stay safe from all that smoke in the air.

    Outside for a half hour, and I could feel the discomfort.

  9. The smoke from the Canadian fires is even affecting parts of Europe now!
    Prayers for better weather and always prayers for peace.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  10. Jan,
    Air currents flow eastward towards Europe. Once weather systems leave land in America, I haven't thought to follow their paths. Thank you for the reminder

  11. William,
    I hope you are not experience difficulty breathing. I can't imagine the amount of smoke y'all have in Ottawa.

    The few days we had smoke alert, I only felt discomfort one day when I stayed outside too long.


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