Retrieve Fallen Key In Vehicle Seat

2014 VW Jetta Driver's Side
Detached key blade fell between driver's seat and console
I am not a mechanic.
Based on my experience.
Photo is my actual vehicle after I retrieved my key blade from that abyss.

If easy to see, then do not move the seat!
Get a strong magnet on end of thin stick to slowly lift key blade out. Brace seat away from console with something. From the front, slide a piece of rolled plastic under
 key blade in case it falls. Having two people is ideal.

If you try and fail so the key blade falls out of sight, Take a deep breath.
Then, gather a fondue fork, thick bendable wire, box cutter, crochet hook, magnet, thin nose pliers, flashlight, phone camera, knee pad, any unbreakable stick that fits seat slider runs, and a container for your tools. 
You may not need all of them.

Raise seat
Carefully feel for the key blade
Look after each try
Take and study photos
Nothing seen, then...
try a fondue skewer to carefully slide it under seat metal glider. 

*Don't stab or stick anything into seat wires & seat components!

Pull seat back and forth a few times
Clear area between rug and bottom glider
Feel for the key blade
Once you find it, cut the carpet to dislodge it.
It took me about an hour including a break to calm down.

Results may differ


  1. Oh no! This is a good reminder to be sure to hang onto the keys at all times. Good for you for figuring it out though.

  2. William,
    Out of my depth for sure as well.
    Images of the seat being removed filled my thoughts.
    I will search for a seat mechanusm blue print to show me how the key blade got that far down under the carpet.

  3. Maryanne,
    Finding it on my own is a near miracle.
    I believe that abyss area is a major design flaw in vehicles. VW will be getting a letter from me.

  4. We lost a key recently under a seat. It was quite the adventure to retrieve it!

  5. Marie,
    Adventure for sure.
    It is like lost in the woods when you can see the road.

    Amazon sells a patented gap filler called Stop Drop! Not a bad price. Great gift idea!

  6. I'm applauding you ... you did well!

    All the best Jan

  7. Thank you, Jan

    I did feel a bit of pride when I put my hands on the key blade.


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