Live Stream, Space Weather & Dreary

Jumping from one project to another keeps momentum going. Adjusting to another process sets the mind on a new adventure. 

Without a television since early spring, I still don't miss it. On Wifi, using live streams, I will watch live news programs. 
I learned via a Quora answer that the reason ads run without problems when the live stream doesn't is because they don't come from the same place, the files are different. It makes sense to me.
Signal strengths and signal whatever are probably the reason why channels in the same area/market differ. One channel has the live stream hiccup while another doesn't.

Yesterday my computer on Wifi, and a neighbor on cable, had weird color glitches, negative channel colors blinking in and out. I suspect yesterday's solar flares are the reason. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has a Space Weather Prediction Center website. 

Learning as we go is often entertaining. I viewed a live stream weather report this AM, and then left to blog. 
It is another morning waking to rain. Dreary city I will not go because I have a built in depression that doesn't depend much on the weather. I have a good book to read, dusting to do, and maybe a nice nap this afternoon. 

Enjoy your day!


  1. Sounds like a good plan for your day. Enjoy the day! That's the wish I often send my son when we exchange early morning texts.

  2. You have enough to keep you occupied while it rains. Sounds good to me!

  3. Liz,
    Thank you. The day is going well. I'm sure dusting will replace the nap.

  4. Marie,
    No rain as expected. It looks like some last night, but so far today not a drop.
    Have a fun weekend

  5. I think reading on a rainy day sounds wonderful. Can I come join you?? My brother who is a computer whiz says those solar flares do affect our technology. Hope you are having a great day. Hugs!

  6. A good book and a nap sound like a wonderful plan!

  7. Debbie,
    In addition to the solar flares, thunderstorms passed through this afternoon. The screen colors went weird again.
    My cell phone lost its Internet connection via data. The computer via Wifi didn't.
    Waiting felt like the old days when the electricity went out.

    A great day to you as well

  8. Jeanie,
    The book is waiting, and the nap almost happened. I woke up too soon. lol. I did get other things done instead.

  9. I gave up on television years ago. It's not missed.

  10. William,
    I might be going the no TV as well.

  11. We still have cable tv and Netflix, mainly because DH is a tv person. I could care less over most of it. Haven't gotten in to live stream too much mainly because I'd rather spend my time putzing in my sewing room.

  12. Maryanne,
    Some of the YouTube documentaries, you could listen to while sewing. :)


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