Blogger Glitch, Food & Going Museum

Blogger glitch*
Signed out of blog
Clicked sign in and page goes to the last page I viewed when I was signed into my blog. I can post as if signed in. No other tabs were open. 
I had to erase the browser History to sign back in. Also, the comment box pop up box is where you can delete a comment when that is the comment style you chose. Click Post a Comment for the pop up box to see the delete icon.
* A pop up box was found on my screen when I closed the browser. That may be why the connection wasn't broken when I signed out.

Provolone cheese
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Feta cheese

Looks good. Messy hassle to eat
Better to dice up the tomato and roll it all inside the cheese

Going Museum.
Many museums are closed on Mondays.
After a long weekend, Monday being the holiday, I got to thinking, again. Why not go museum by having Mondays as a holiday year round? The most anxious day of the week can the most relaxing day of the week by just mentally feeling Mondays with a holiday attitude. Turn a negative into a positive.


  1. Funny how, long after school and work are done, Sunday evening continues to be an anxious time and Monday a low day, even without staff meetings to start the week.

  2. It looks really good. Messy can be delicious!

  3. Liz,
    You are right, it is funny. On the other side, Fridays always bring a sense of relief.

  4. Marie,
    Messiest meal, I think, is barbeque ribs.
    I haven't made them in decades. Instead, I buy chicken teriyaki on a stick.

  5. I love the idea of hitting a museum -- Monday or any day! Your lunch looks fantastic!

  6. Jeanie,
    If you could have only seen my oily hands and face! lol
    There was olive oil dripping all over the place. Next time, I'm putting it all in a bowl after chopping the cheese, tomato and salami.

  7. Yum - all the drippiness was worth it I'm sure because that sure does look good!

  8. Maryanne,
    A good salami is as wonderful as any chocolate eclair or cannoli.

  9. those ingredients look good together...they may be less messy rolled into a soft tortilla!!

    we have to drive into new york city to visit a museum, we have not done that in a long time!!

  10. Debbie,
    A corn tortilla is a good idea.
    It has been over 50 years since I've been in NYC museum. Good memories there.

  11. I attended a museum this week.

  12. William,
    Compared to big cities, the museums around here are cabins in the woods.


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