In the Days of Try To Do

There hasn't been much movement around here other than pushing depression out of the way. It has been a rough few weeks. Changing daily patterns builds an obstacle course for me to navigate. It works if the  path is adjusted well, much like playing a video game for the first time when the rules haven't sunk in yet. Anyway, I'm glad to say that I have more energy, feel much less pressed by feelings of dread, and overall, determination rules. 

I wrote  a blog post about anxiety and panic attacks. I deleted it because it feels too personal. At the time, it was a bridge to better. I might rewrite such a post because the information is important to share. A few days later, better has no fork in the road to frustrate me with making decisions. 

I had my first seasonal pumpkin coffee (McD). A big thanks anyway to last year's covid booster that took away my sense of taste. I did, however, taste a massive amount of sugar. I didn't finish the coffee.

As with all heavy episodes of depression, there's a ton of catch up to do. Number one, aside from laundry and dusting, is to paint. A bonus of not doing much is that my appetite is low on caring about food in real life. 
I know I love foods, but the hands on in the kitchen is not frequent. So I put a strict limit on take out. Sunday's omelet, I sauted so many vegetables, I could hardly see the egg. The baked chicken sausage (baked, not greasy) from Hannaford's is good enough to put on my regular shopping list. 

It is strange that on blogging time, life feels and looks normal, no depression, no anxiety, no dreads. At my worst, I can manage a short photo post.

I don't know what I will do today other than try to do. For now, I have to do errands. I can't make biscuits without flour.

How is  your November going?


  1. Oh, I wish I could drive through and get a McDonald's pumpkin coffee, but as I mentioned on my previous post they closed the one up here. Your biscuits sound really good, especially with butter and a bit of jam. I hope your depression gets better. The world is in chaos right now, and there's so much to be thankful for on our end. Your omelet with veggies sounds delicious. You sound like a good cook!


  2. If you can write a post about anxiety without feeling it's too personal, I think it would be a real service to readers. Just a thought.

  3. Sheri,
    You aren't missing anything if the McD pumpkin spice latte is made the same in CA as in Vermont. Mine was horridly fully of sugar.

    Once I began chopping veggies, it was like what else can I toss in there. It was funny. I think it would be a nice Sunday omelet tradition.

  4. Liz,
    Deleting that post isn't the best idea I've had.
    I've been trying to remember the parts I like the best. Ironically, speaking from my own experiences is the best part. I will give it another go.

  5. I hear your struggle ~ I find journaling helps me cope with the anxiety feelings ~ plus this world is a mess and it does creep into our lives and impacts it adversely ~ Do hope you feel better ~ You do well with your cooking ~ go for the painting and let your feelings out that way??? ~ Just a thought ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Carol,
    Your blog is spirit lifting every day, lots of smiles there.
    Have a wonderful week

  7. I hope you do rewrite your post -- i think it could be very helpful to others. And I hope every day things begin to feel a bit less anxious. I'm glad you can free yourself when you write.

  8. Jeanie,
    I posted the living with anxiety. I left out the griping venting parts. :)

  9. My November has not been easy. I've struggled with some depression along with not feeling as well as I'd like, and recently finding out more health information that feels discouraging. Getting ready to start taking a medication that can affect the emotions on top of all that. I'm thankful, but at the same time not at all happy with where I am. This will not likely be written about on my blog. I have family members (and a couple of friends) who visit my blog and I don't want their worry or advice. How's that for honest.

  10. Becki,
    Your journey with illness and the treatments can be share whatever way you feel is right for you. There are times when love ones andfriends know more than we share. Support means listening and being there. Prayers continue


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