The Thrill of Simple Things

Standing at an easel to paint is comfortable for me. A bar stool has the height for a quick rest and think as well as a place to paint without the crouching position being in a chair creates. My neck can become sore from looking up when I'm seated lower to the canvas. 

As you can see in the photo background, I'm culling books. For book lovers, culling can feel like losing a family pet. Boxing up titles doesn't work well because after a while, there are too many boxes in the closet. It is best to just get the job done. Whine all you want, that's not only acceptable, it is normal when preparing books on their journey out the door. What you don't see is those books have been there going on 3 days as I recover from knowing they will soon be in a donation bag.

Meanwhile, I am thrilled with my new-to-me bar stool for my easel area. 

Not much progress at all for the New Haven River painting.  There's been life road bumps in the recent weeks for me to deal with. I expect in the next few days for remarkable change on the canvas to post about.


Side note here. Small order on on Walmart website. Better for me to pick up at the store than go to store to find they are out of stock. At checkout online, the total cost is too high. Did I make a mistake and add more than 1? No. My order process is correct. 

The problem is Walmart add $6.99 to my order because my total order is  being below their $35.00  minimum order amount. It is highly unlikely I will ever order online from Walmart no matter what my items total is.


  1. I understand the time it takes to part with books, I am the same way!

  2. Marie,
    It is good to not be the only one.
    So far, the bags are there with the books.
    Maybe later I will fill them. :)

  3. It is hard to weed out books but think of it as giving them another chance to be read again.
    I love your new chair.

  4. Cathy,
    Read again is a good thought to go by.
    The bar stool will is a good height for a drafting table as well.

  5. When I free cycle books, the real joy of the people taking them and getting back to let me know they're enjoying, makes it much easier to part with them.

  6. Liz,
    That is the good part of reducing books on the shelves.
    Unfortunately for me, a lot of my books were rescues from over the years, titles of no great value that folks use in craft projects.

  7. Sorry I've been MIA for the past little bit - I'm beavering away with my knitting needles and my computer time has fallen by the wayside. Rather than going back to try to catch up, I'll just hope in here.
    Culling books - something I really need to do as well, but it won't be happening for a little while.

  8. Maryanne,
    Reading your blog feels like you are always around.
    I think we all have slow times.
    Enjoy your knitting!

  9. Hello,
    I like your bar stool and your painting. I changed to reading my books on my kindle, it is too hard for my hands to hold a book. I hope your books find a happy new reader. Thank you for the visit! Have a great day and happy new week!

  10. Wondering where you are going with the painting! It's on it's way and I love what you have done.

  11. Eileen,
    Your fall blog banner photo is like looking out a window I wish I had. Beautiful photograph
    Have a wonderful week!

  12. Latane,
    Going where the brush takes me. There is bright sunshine this morning. I hope the light stays brighter.
    Have a wonderful week!

  13. I hate culling books but it's the only way to make space for new ones.

  14. That is so true, Loree

    A newly organized bookshelf will make me smile for days.

  15. Oh the pain, is right! I, TOO, must must must get rid of some of my myriad of books. The car is loaded with other donations, may as well, stuff a box or two of books into it.
    I love to sit and paint, but it's not good, as I can't walk away and take a look, my drawing table is right up against the window wall. I can't stand for long periods of time - due to ankle paint from an old break. LOVELY chair you have!
    I just made a Walmart purchase, not a place I usually go for art stuff...but lo and behold, guess where the supplies actually came from? Dick Blick! AND...they made it here faster than if I had purchased them directly from Blick. oy!

  16. Pattie,
    Wow! That's interesting getting DBlick via Walmart. I knew lots of Walmart products are shipped from other places. Must be the new trend.
    Sorry about you ankle. The bar stool is a good height to sit and paint from. The desk chair can scoot over if I need a softer seat.

  17. Culling anything for me is a challenge. I dont shop Walmart so would not know about this. Plus I still actually like to go to a store rather than shopping online Still old school. Janice

  18. Janice,
    Shopping at local stores is good for the area.
    Walmart is so far away, almost an hour's drive, I buy online to pick up at store.

  19. It's hard to part with books, so I empathize with you. Finding the right piece of furniture or equipment can be difficult. I've never ordered from Walmart, and find the minimum charge quite surprising. Good luck on your painting.

  20. Lorrie,
    The Walmart minimum order charge is a surprise, especially going into the holiday season.
    Have a wonderful week

  21. Ah Maywyn I understand about those precious books. I had to part with some art books and I kept getting back in the box to make certain I really wanted to have them leave. :)!! Will be anxious to see your New Have River Painting. Hugs

  22. Hugs, Debbie
    One bag of books is half filled. The exercise is the only plus I feel about culling books.

  23. That's a gorgeous stool! Gorgeous.

    Oh, I feel you on culling books. I'm terrible at it. Just terrible.

  24. Jeanie,
    The best way to decrease books is to box up and out the door as soon as possible.
    In person, the bar stool is a delight. There's something about maple wood and wicker that just looks pretty. It makes me feel like wearing a button down collar shirt and loafers.


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