End of the Year 2023


from Reflection Monday

However you chose
to approach life,
Please Pay Attention
to the World around you.
Be respectful of others,
as well as yourself.


Lichen On an Old Apple Tree Branch

A favorite photograph taken at the 
Robert Frost Interpretative Trail.


I accidently flipped paint off my palette knife 
onto my neck where it made quite a mess.
Made me laugh.


The Huddle

On a Sunday morning, I became fascinated
by dinner rolls.


Plume Moth

The yearly visit of a plume moth.


Otter Creek Basin

A good place to take water study photos.

Thunderstorm Weather Symbol
Creating small signage from scrap wood is fun.


Have a Delicious Ingredients' Weekend!

Design your own tartan
Hand sew a fall fleece hat 
Read about the Coriolis Effect
Poach pears
Create a veggie goulash
Sing to a summer squash
Go for a walk with a friend
Read a few Shakespeare Sonnets
Tell your Wok a story


Pink cosmos were brilliant in the summer of 2023.


Shopping for mums in October


A sunset to remember in November 2023.




  1. Hello. What a perfect assortment to share for the end of the year! I like all the photos. The sunset in November is my favorite. Peppermint tea is delicious. I made a container of iced peppermint tea for Christmas Eve.
    Hope you enjoy many more wonderful things in the New Year!

  2. Thank you for the gallery of the year, and Happy New Year, May! Be well.

  3. Happy New Year Mary to You & Yours!

    Peppermint tea today will be perfect with an afternoon fruit salad.
    Putting together a year end blog post isn't as easy as I expected it to be. I used written notes and notepad to keep track of the choices. I download the photographs and did a copy and paste for the text.

  4. Happy New Year Liz to You & Yours!

    Have fun blogging in 2024, good health, and lots of interesting discoveries!

  5. Fun to look back on some of your favourite things from 2023. Happy New Year!!

  6. Happy New Year Maryanne!

    Lots of blogging fun for 2024

  7. What a lovely reflection of the year that was! Wishing you a Happy New Year, Maywyn, with lots of creativity along the way.


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