A Blog Snow Day

FYI. In the photo (right) the white square on a pole is my indoor television Winegard 50 mile antenna that with a dumb TV receives 28 signals. The smart TV receives only 4 signals. 
The antenna is clipped to a wood slat taped to a clothing stand I can move around for the best signal, (handy in bad weather).

Mourning Doves
Don't see me

The photograph of the mourning doves is taken through the patio window. The cell phone is being held up over the curtain so they aren't scared away by seeing me.

Birds saw me

In the last photo, they doves did see me after I opened the curtain. One stayed, but flew away when I moved.

I'm not sure the orange froze or the birds pecked at it. The inside is pretty much shrunken to nothing. The other half disappeared.

Today feels like a snow day on the blog with no subject planned. It is the kind of day for an egg salad sandwich (toasted bread), and chocolate milk. The snow isn't coming down bad enough to not venture out for the chocolate milk. It's that it makes no sense energy and environment wise to go out for one thing that I can do without. I have cocoa and milk that I can make instead. No sandwich because on purpose I did not buy bread. I want to try to make my own. Thus, dinner will be leftovers.

What kind of sandwich do you like on a slow snow day?
Are you a chocolate milk fan?

What puts a feeling of doom over Earth is the 2024 Iowa caucus results. 
On the other hand, maybe folks that think he will go away, will step up and take notice, and speak out.

On my home front, changing my lifestyle in 2024 is progressing well. There are small changes. The best part is that my momentum isn't not waning. Winter blues have not taken hold. After pulling out of a late summer, autumn depression episode, I'm am determined to not spend winter with awful running in my background. 


  1. Maywn your painting on the header is lovely. Perfectly done for this time of the year. I had a similar antennae in my kitchen...if I moved it around I could sometimes get 14 channels. Ah I adore the mourning doves...wonder why they call them mourning and not morning...perhaps it is their soft coo that makes them sound mournful.
    I know our cloudy days cause me to get down in the dumps...if the sun shines I am better. Thinking this condition is more prevalent than we know. Take care and keep the momentum going. Hugs!

  2. Debbie,
    This winter cloudy days aren't much of a bother unless sleet is falling. Sleet is a useless weather condition.

    Have a great week!

  3. grilled cheese and tomato soup whenever it snows, it's a must. i have been working on some craft projects, that always lifts my spirits and keeps me happy!!

    we got snow, only a little but i was able to get a few pictures!!

  4. Debbie,
    Grilled cheese and tomato soup sounds wonderful.
    I will give that a try some day.
    Happy Crafting!

    There are slow big snowflakes falling like an animated greeting card in my backyard. More to shovel off the deck for the birds. :)

  5. Glad the blues are gone! Love the video…so peaceful!

  6. Marie,
    That snowfall was magical.
    The next time it snows like that, I'm putting on my coat and go for a short walk.

  7. Snow day food for me would always be a grilled cheese sandwich (then again, ANY day is a good one for a grilled cheese). No chocolate milk for me - I'll stick to a cafe mocha.
    Bad news out of Iowa for sure - I think the US (and the entire world) had better buckle up for a wild ride.

  8. Toasted cheese is my favorite. Preferably with tomato soup but just fine on its own. As for choco-milk, I don't drink milk but I will drink Chocolate milk maybe. It's been a long time!

    Sounds like a good day to hunker down!


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