Social Media Travels

Snowy April Day in Vermont

My travels on social media overall, have been interesting in many ways. 

There appears to be pockets, like when the wind blows a bunch of leaves into a corner, of folks who have a passion of some sort, positive and negative. Finding a regular person with no particular agenda or self image issues, is not easy. I found, I think (so far) two or three folks that are interesting to read. 

The websites seem to have a problem with figuring out how to group members. X aka Twitter has a good spread of different folks. Instagram, on a rarely used account, must think my ID means I'm a dude so that on Explore, shows way too many photos of young women in bikinis. (I deleted that account.) YouTube and Facebook also lump folks into categories that may not reflect who the person is.

I have found more older folks postings. That is a nice change. 

For humor, Tops are the Deer Blind Dad Jokes, (USA) and Mike and Joelle (New Zealand).

Do you have a favorite humor channel?


  1. My travels on social media are confined to other blog sites and as you commented there are those that are funny, informative, and even off beat.

    1. Beatrice,
      Social media, funny, but gets meh fast.

  2. Lovely photo of the snow ~ hope you are cozy and warm ~ Social Media is not my thing ~ so no favorite channel ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Hugs Carol
      Your photo of Cape Ann today a chilly one!

  3. Social media travels can take us to all sorts of places around the world. I'm trying to limit my social media exposure these days and focus on blogging. Have a good weekend.

    1. A good weekend to you as well, Lorrie

      Reading about other countries, their news and such, to have our own sister like cities is a substitute
      to consider for social media.

  4. Afraid I don't frequent any sort of channels and stick to bloggers that have similar interests. I don't go to places like Tik Tok or Instagram and very very rarely look at anything on You Tube.

    1. Maryanne,
      After looking at all of them except for Tik Tok, they have some value. They aren't as good as having an in person network.

  5. I just tend to visit blogs.
    I don't ever go to Tik Tok or Instagram.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Tik Tok I see on Youtube. I visited the website for the first time today. I'm not impressed.


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