Good Grief! Shopping Can Be So Tiring

Lesson of the day: A gift certificate may not be for the store where it is purchased.

Talk about Duh on me. 

A whole trip to a store that's not for the gift cerficate makes me chuckle. Pushing the anxiety level envelope, making it there without a major freak out surge, is wonderful. And, I bought some nice stuff. I finally found a scrub brush that doesn't have hard and sharp bristols.

Nautical is my decor theme this summer. So far I'm doing well with not going overboard (hehe pun) with changing things aka buying must-have things I don't really need.

As for sandals this year, I want a blue pair. Painting an old pair with acrylic didn't work. The next color is blue spray paint. It is perfect. A messy project, but a rewarding one. I used the same color to spray paint planters.

Tip of the day: Soak potting soil in the bag before filling the container. Some potting soils are so light, it can be a mess getting it moist.

Half the day I spent shopping. I was so tired after the second store, I decided to go home. Why I get so tired shopping is a mystery. What's worse is that I have to go back out because I didn't finish getting the things I need.

Plus, the milk is expired. So I need fresh milk for my coffee.

Is shopping a drag for you?


  1. I am not a shopper any more. It’s as if I used up all the shopping genes and refuse any more. I only go when I have to and hate every minute.

    1. Marie,
      Using up all shopping genes sound right.
      I feel the same way. Even browsing online is a drag for me.

  2. Sure hope you wont get blue feet if they get wet. Some spray paint will run when wet. That would suck going to the wrong store. UGH Janice

    1. Janice,
      The paint so far is pretty colorfast.
      It takes days for me to scrub it off my skin.

  3. I hate shopping - always have. I'm a 'look up online which aisle whatever-I-want is in and then I dash in and grab and run'. The advent of curbside grocery pick ups was huge in my world and I hope they never do away with it.
    Good tip for the potting soil!

    1. Maryanne,
      Dash and grab using the aisle information is perfect!
      I noticed it today the aisle information when looking up items at Home Depot online. I'm at the store standing there like an idiot when I realized I didn't write down the aisles. I found one thing by accident, and the other I had to ask. lol

  4. I hate shopping. So much noise and stimulus, decisions, it's tiring.
    That's a great tip about wetting the soil in the bag, thanks. That will also save a lot of sneezing when I fill planters.

    1. Liz,
      Maryanne's idea to know the aisle for a dash and grab shopping style is a good way of
      bypassing a lot of the hassles around shopping. Going early helps as well.

  5. First and foremost Maywyn I think the look of your blog is great. Now to answer your question - yes most generally unless I am shopping for art supplies or flowers shopping is a challenge. I always admire your creativity (painting sandals to match the color you are in the mood to wear - such a super idea.) Hugs!

    1. Debbie,
      Thank you. Shopping for art supplies depressed me this week. Only 4 items cost over fifty dollars!
      The glaze I use is over seventeen dollars. The shock happens because I don't run out of supplies that often.

  6. i don't like to shop and actually don't shop in stores, i do all my shopping on-line!! i have always been able to find sandals on-line!!

    1. Shopping online is much prefered.
      Lately though, the shipping costs and delivery times have me emptying my cart.

  7. Yes. I hate shopping except for book stores. Clothes shopping is the worst and thank goodness for Land's End. No, actually, shoe shopping is the worst. And it can wear you out.

    1. Jeanie,
      I shop shoes on Poshmark. I click likes, then read the descriptions, and decide then. No hassles. I haven't bought a pair of new shoes in a store in years except for at TJMaxx.

  8. Actually, shopping is very comforting and relaxing for me, if I don't have to get a lot of household items. If I'm just browsing through shops, it's fun for me. And coming home with a few goodies always makes the trip better. That is really impressive that you painted some sandals. That's a neat color of blue.



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