Day 208 of Week 30 July 2024

Summer On Lake Champlain

As the days near the end of July, holding onto the Summer grows stronger. August may prove to have hot days with a hint of autumn blending into the night hours.

Please, let's not rush into fall foliage fever. Already I'm eyeing my comfy socks like they're the last cannoli on the shelf.

What else has been catching my attention? Cargo pants! The more pockets and zippers the more Me I feel. I've always fancied a rugged outdoors look. Sandals this year are another struggle between fashion favorite and arthritis. 

About sandals. The first pair of sandals of un-named brand that I bought on sale lasted forever. I bought another pair in a different color. This 2nd season of wearing the 2nd pair, they are not holding up well. This has also happened in knit garments, and other brands. Quality varies.

About Blogging. The decision is to continue this blog on a weekly basis, one or two posts per week. The thought is that if I slow down posting when I'm in a slump, then I can post more when I've feeling better.

Have a Lovely Summer Weekend!

Read about rowboats
Bake a peach pie
Tell an umbrella a silly story
Draw a seagull
Sing to a houseplant
Write a poem about smiling


  1. i have not been enjoying the heat of summer, but i am not rushing toward its end!! this image is beautiful!!

    1. Debbie,
      You aren't alone.
      Stay cool!
      I've read folks posting about this is the hottest summer they ever remember. Here in Vermont, there have been days when the heat index was so high, being outdoors was torture.

  2. Yea, I only post once a week now, and my posts are a bit longer and filled with much more now than when I was posting every three days. It got to be too much, and I enjoy this better. I am glad you are still blogging, and we can still read your charming posts. A peach pie sounds good, doesn't it?


    1. Sheri,
      Peach ice cream is even better than the pie. It isn't easy to find though up here in the Northeast. A hot fudge peach ice cream sundae is 2nd to using coffee ice cream.
      Posting a weekly longer post sounds good.

  3. I never want to rush summer because I know winter drags on and on for far too long.
    It seems that many manufacturers aren't making things up to the quality from prior examples of their work (your sandals are case in point). It's sad, but a sign of the times. One wonders if your original sandals were made in North America and the new ones have been out-sourced to China or some other 'cheap' country.

    1. Maryanne,
      I believe the brand is made in China. When materials are bought, they aren't all sourced from the same manufacturer. I agree with you, it is sad.

  4. Anonymous27 July, 2024

    It’s hard for me to imagine it being hot in Vermont. It’s one of the few states I have yet to visit but, living in the Deep South, I have a no doubt distorted image of a beautiful place where no one has air conditioning and you can wear long pants and long sleeves year round. Such is not the case here and although it may seem selfish I am glad to know we aren’t the only ones enduring the unpleasant temperatures. Stay cool if you can!
    -Sharon in Alabama.

    1. Sharon,
      In Alabama, I imagine the heat and humidity are always high.
      Air conditioning in New England has become necessary more and more as the planet warms.
      Stay cool!

  5. Summer On Lake Champlain looks fabulous, what a lovely photograph.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      It was really nice to see that little row boat. It is adorable, especially with two grown mean crowded into it.


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