You Wouldn’t Know Unless I Told You

Champlain Memorial Lighthouse
Crown Point, Upstate New York

 In the spirit of disclosure in blogging, I am in my pajamas on the sofa wrapped in my favorite plaid woven cotton throw as I type.

I have yet to ready for the day on this cold and sunny Saturday morning. I’m not ill or injured. I am, however, captured by the lure of leisure aka just don’t feel like getting up even for a coffee. What a rebel I be!

Yesterday’s news, not read entirely, upset me, stunned me, grieved me with such impact that I woke this AM feeling a sense of out from under that emotional weight. I made the decision last night that the actions of POTUS is damaging my mental health so much that I need to step back.

On the surface is the danger zone when reading the news. One should read more, vet the issue, read other sources before making decisions. Strange as it sounds, there are actions that on the surface aren’t as negative as headlines lead us to feel. Old information, sure, but this worth repeating.

If only there was a lighthouse to warn us when it is as bad as it sounds. 

Thank all y’all for visiting

Time for me to ready for the day.
Home fries are calling me.


  1. Sounds like a very cozy morning for you. I am also stepping back from the news. It keeps getting more horrific all the time.

    1. Lorrie,
      A very relaxing morning. The home fries were wonderful.
      Planning flower gardens is the afternoon sit and sip treat.
      Have a wonderful day

  2. That lighthouse is very unique. I am used to the ones by the sea living in California. Home fries sound wonderfully good. Yes, sometimes stepping back is a good idea. Have a pleasant weekend.


    1. Sheri,
      Lake Champlain has a lot of history in that area. Standing next to the lighthouse, it is massive.
      A good weekend to you!

  3. When it comes to current affairs, even my news junkie husband has taken a step back and only watches it for a few minutes every day. I'm grateful, because I don't want to hear it even if I'm not seeing it. I suppose it's my duty to stay well-informed but I have to balance that with my own mental health and, for me, it means steering clear of the news. Wrapping up with a blankie and a cuppa sounds pretty perfect. Could we do that for the next four years?

    1. Maryanne,
      Mental health has to be protected.
      Ironic that our president didn’t tell his supporters that giving the World reason to hate America is what he really means.
      Enjoy light news!

  4. I can’t listen to the news out of the U.S. any more. It is too upsetting. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!

    1. Marie,
      The news here gets worse every day. I pray ut is only a matter of time before US Congress gets the courage to say no.
      Enjoy your week!

  5. I don't know. I think it is as bad as it sounds. I think a number of people who have good jobs, can afford groceries even when the prices are high, have good insurance, are not ill, live in diverse areas may go by unaffected. But then they are those who do not have these and they will suffer greatly. Thankfully we are the former but I worry for the latter. The sad part is that many people whom I know voted for the current person are of the belief that if it doesn't affect me then who cares.. my problem is I do care. Why should anyone suffer, go hungry, be ripped away from their homes and families.. which is why I too have to sometimes step away from the news.

    1. Hena,
      Well said.
      I feel sorry for the many that will suffer under the revengeful actions of the current administration. Prayers are strong and often

  6. I'd been away from my blog again for a while. Every time I can get back I enjoy reading a bit of what everyone is doing. In pajamas and wrapped in a cozy throw sounds delightful. I do it as often as possible.
    I'm limiting my news to a few things online. We're not watching any of it on t.v. right now. Too upsetting.

    1. Mary,
      Being away from blogging can be therapeutic. Glad to see you back

  7. I hear you on the news, May. I'm avoiding it to the degree I used to follow (obsessively) but I still feel compelled to be aware of what is happening so I can figure out what I can do -- when I can do it. Ah, that lazy PJs feeling. I think it's essential we grab those moments when we can.


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