Day 46 of Week 7 February 2025

Ice Fishing on Lake Champlain
Febrrruary 2025

 Cold it is!

There are people ice skating out there. My apology for not getting a closer photograph. Both sets of toes say no walking in the snow today. Thus, there is a charming wide view cell phone style.

Have a Warm Indoor Weekend!

Sing over a cup of hot apple cider
Read about palm trees
Research the best foot warmers
Draw an oak tree
Bake meringues
Fill with strawberries
Visit your local animal shelter
Hug a cat
Tell a dog a funny story


Time to crank on the heater and go home!


  1. I have a palm tree in my back yard! And do you ever look at the YouTube videos of the lady that reads to her little poodles. It's adorable! They all dress alike...very cute!

    1. Diane,
      Palm tree! What a beautiful image.
      I will check out the poodle videos. Thank you

  2. brrrr indeed! There's no way I would be walking/skating or otherwise out on frozen water. It would never be thick enough as far as I'm concerned. Warm inside is my thing!

    1. Maryanne,
      Being on pond or lake ice isn’t for me as well. I shiver thinking of being on ice when I was a child.

  3. Cold and snowy here, too! Be careful on the ice!

    1. Jeanie,
      No going on the lake ice for me.A tiny patch on the sidewalk I carefully move over.
      Stay warm!

  4. Brrrr…too cold for these old bones outside much of this week. The younger ones even stay inside. The wind is the main problem here.

    I admire those people on the ice. It makes me shiver to see them though.

    1. Marie,
      Ice fishing folks are a treasure.Today we have snow all day. Soon it will be 3rd shovel off bird seed.
      Stay warm!


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