Pondering a Project


Upstate New York
Adirondack Mountains

All night into the day the snow is falling here in Vermont. It will soon be the 3rd time shoveling the deck for the birds to get to the seed better.

Thinking about spring, flowers to plant, weight loss, and where would I like to be next year, (without winning the lottery), I hope I have my own fireplace or wood stove. 

Why wait!? I can make a fake fireplace out of cardboard or wood. Years ago I watched a craft show build a lovely wood storage fireplace. 

That raises the issue of do I need another project? Yes and no. The elements of comfort and use can give a project more importance. Do I need a fake fireplace? No. Can I use the storage? Yes. Will one enhance my life enough to justify the project? Yes. 

I’m thinking I’ll be good with a fireplace surround mantle using wood I already have.

Where do your thoughts go on a slow snowy day? 

Time for me to grab the shovel.

Have a good week!


  1. Days when the snow falls are so cozy and beautiful. I'm glad you are having a slow day. A fake fireplace sounds like a fun project for - or even just a fireplace surround.
    On snowy days I like to look outside, drink hot chocolate, and read. Today it's rainy and also quite cozy, but I think I need to go for a walk.

    1. Lorrie,
      A walk sounds wonderful.
      The surround is a winner.

  2. Shovels will be needed next time we go out here because once again it's snowed all the live long day. I try to remember that it's good for the water table eventually but it's getting harder. I, too, would love a fireplace but not allowed in an apartment. We could, I think, have a small electric one mounted on the wall but I look at the price of them and decide we don't need it that badly.

    1. Maryanne,
      The prices of nice electric heaters are steep. The cheaper smaller ones don’t have that woodstove vibe as well as the pricey larger ones.

  3. Love that scene. The trees speak volumes. Have a great week.

    1. A great week to you, Marie
      The tall trees in that area are beautiful when it snows.

  4. That sounds like a fun project. Probably less expensive than finding a mantel at a resale store and more creative too!

    1. Jeanie,
      Oooee, you are so right. I priced fireplace surrounds years ago. They can be very expensive.

  5. I love the idea of a project but I do not have a brain width to do one. Everything looks so pretty when it snows.

    1. Hena,
      I hear you.
      Even with all the wood and tools, I’m not keen on building a surround. I expect I’ll be grumpy about it until it is finished.

  6. Projects are always a fun thing to do, and gives us something to look forward to. I've been thinking of Easter already, and wondering what I want to do with my holiday table.


    1. Sheri,
      Planning decor themes is a delicate fun project! There’s something about deciding color schemes that can make a person feel powerful.


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