There are many issues to feel outrage about in America and the World in 2025.
This is not easy to explain. It is controversial. Many of you will disagree, some may feel outrage.
Here goes.
I believe strongly in God. I also believe in science. In all our lives, we benefit and embrace a huge amount of science especially in technology and medicine. We believe science is real.
Whether we believe in God or not, we believe we have a soul. We also recognize that nothing in science has yet to define what or how the soul works.
The soul is God's creation.
No lawmaker is God.
The physiology of human creation from conception to birth is all about science except for the soul. It is evident that physical human development does not always turn out the basic human form. The same goes for an assigned soul. I believe without any doubt there are people born into a body that does not match their gender just as some people are born with male and female reproductive organs. Intersex people exist.
There are men, women, and people born without a gender matching body and/or soul. They are real human beings deserving of living their lives with the same rights as all of us.
It is highly abhorrent and disgusting to me to make being a human being as born illegal. An executive order stating there are only two genders in America takes discrimination beyond the universe.
Whatever are your beliefs, have compassion. Please, don't discriminate or support outlawing human beings that may not look like you.
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