Day 73 0f Week 11 March 2025

Lunar Eclipse March 14, 2025
The lunar eclipse was nice to see. Awaken by my alarm, I was out the door taking photos right as it was nearly full on. Even using a tripod, and using a few settings, none of the pictures I took are good. The above photo, taken of the camera screen, is one on the two best. All that, and I forgot to make a wish. 

About the gender issues: Seriously, there is no excuse or good reason to place a person deliberately in very grave danger when it is possible and human to keep them protected. Transgenders in jail are being forced into men and women prisons under the executive order that America only recognizes a man or woman as the sex they are born. 
It is pure evil to place a person with a female body into a men’s prison, IMHO. All y’all out there that is the man you voted for to be our president. 


  1. That nightmare is unimaginable! Good grief! There is no limit to the cruelty!

    1. Marie,
      How anyone can comply with such an order is diabolical.

  2. I tried taking photos of the eclipse, too, and failed miserably.

    1. Lorrie,
      A good tripod and settings are suppose to help.
      I rarely remember the instructions.

  3. Sorry to say that I slept through this lunar event. I fully agree with your comments on the cruelty of such a situation.

    1. Beatrice,
      The alarm is the reason I saw the eclipse. I was soundly asleep when the music went off. lol


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