Grumpy TLC

Headlines that day after day milk a news item can be a source of aggravation. The levels vary. Recently though, I’m questioning whether or not I’m being too critical or insensitive. 

Nah to both. When the excess reaches the point where experts or celebrity opinions and/or reactions reach the headline, then the milk has spilled over the edge of reason. 

Already life in America feels like the pied piper led too many over the edge into an abyss where evidence of common sense can only be seen in the claw marks on the way down. 

Are I grumpy? Increasingly so yes. You see in college, aside from economics 101, philosophy always confused me. People praising, some even worshipping the person for stating the obvious, is sadly scary as well as somewhat comical to me.

I get philosophical as a retreat for my brain to see the confusion won’t last. Reality is not always a dependable source of comfort. There are times when diving into silly is the TLC I need.


  1. So many strange things happening in the world today. It's no wonder we have unsettled feelings about the times. That's why prayer turns to comfort for me. Sending you some TLC this Wednesday afternoon.


    1. TLC to you as well, Sheri

  2. “Diving into silly” sounds like a perfect reaction to some of the headlines these days!

    1. Marie,
      Silly can be a safe place nowadays.


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