Scrolling Down a Garden Path

A Garden Path

 Oh the woes as updating phone number continues!

Based on my recent experiences:

Changing a phone number is a major hassle upon hassle. The experience will make you question whether there is a new stupid you haven’t heard about.

Logging into a website that requires a code be sent via text that has no email a code option is not unusual. 

You can call support to have a live person update your contact information. Careful though, because the Call option might be to receive a call on the old phone number. (Yes, I sat here waiting for a number to call to show up. It didn’t.)

One website, I tried 3 times at least on 2 browsers to update my contact information. When I click on the old phone number, the page goes to a new same page.

When I did find where to enter the new phone number, it stated they will send a code to verify to the old number, and then send a code to the new number to verify. I read that more than once. A live person updated when I called for support.

Tips when Updating phone number:

Read and re-read instructions 
Clicking on Next or Continue may not take you back to the previous screen. 
Keep tabs open. 
Have your just in case email account open on a separate browser. 


I’m nearing the half done mark updating my new cell phone number. The process, I feel, is a positive exercise that strengthens my patience. Being skilled in cursing language has proven to be a good asset. 


  1. Your last sentence is helping me deal with world issues these days too.

    1. Marie,
      Happy 1st Day of Spring!
      Wishing y’all good sunny days

  2. I don't ever want to do that!

  3. Hah - love that final sentence. It's something we're all getting better at these days. Changing a phone number sounds like being sent to purgatory.

  4. Well at least you are nearing the half done mark updating my new cell phone number...
    Stay positive.

    All the best Jan


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