Thinking About Edges
You can sometimes feel it in your soul when something you encounter goes over the edge of what you believe in or what norms dictate. Edges are everywhere. We define edges as much as they define us. Liberal or conservative, there are edges, lines to cross and not cross.
Edges are the yes or no zone of our minds, our hearts and souls. Our essence navigates them like the wind circling around the Earth. In politics, religion, social networking, lines plotting out behavior can be a brief wisp of a breeze or a tornado.
Pondering where I want to be in this late stage of my life has me thinking a lot about edges. Where are mine, what are they and why are the questions I explore most.
Driving home last week, I went through an area of precipitation. Instantly on edge, I thought it is getting icy. The way the drops hit the windshield is weird to me. The rain splatters like an egg without a yolk. Not ice. It is freezing rain, wannabe sleet.
Another edge encounter.
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