Showing posts with label diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diversity. Show all posts

Monday, December 07, 2015

Reflection Monday December 2015

Blogging has changed over the eight years that I've been blogging and reading blogs. The feel for me is there is a more defined gap between more and less. The more move from personal blog to a magazine style appears to be a trend that indicates success. However, there are blogs, in appearance mainly, that start out in the magazine style without the more factor  — followers, high end ads, depth of content.  On the personal end of the blogging range I find less, and that makes sense with the evil in the world today. 

I've learned through blogs that either shift over to their own website or use their own domain name on Blogger will show up on Alexa rankings. Dot Blogspot, like this blog, don't show up on with Alexa rankings.  I believe ranking and analytics are important for the ad income a blog can generate.      

Overall, blogging's health in my view isn't that great because of the obvious to me lack of diversity. Why 90% of the interior design and craft blogs I read, and find, lack diversity is a mystery to me. My definition isn't the only one for blogging health. Divides make sense where styles are concerned. Divides between people doesn't.