Reflection Monday December 2014

Many years ago a tradition in my home began with no arguing during the holiday season. You can disagree. Your can voice your opinion in a courtesy tone of voice. 
You can't snarl, shout, shake a fist, swear or demonstrate anger towards another person.
The signal to stop when an argument begin is..."No, we can't do this (argue)."
And we don't, usually followed by an... Oh I forgot ...and laughter on both sides.

Let the commitment to Peace and Love be the template of your Life.


  1. Dear Maywyn - this is a wonderful idea - one that should be followed all year long. Hope you have a peaceful Christmas season my dear friend. Hugs

  2. I hope so.. it a wonderful sentiment.. a basic lesson in etiquette and manners that should be the norm and a mean to live by instead of the anger and rage.

    1. Hi Hena,
      Its not easy to create our own sun from within to keep our spirits up.
      On Pinterest this morning I saw a skillet brownie. Its wonderful how food helps winter feel less dreary.
      Stay warm, Bake Lots!


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