Ponder Fodder, Streaming TV & Blogging

Old Hedgerow Weeds & Sunshine, 2012


Ponder Fodder 
A new system to learn. A craft to understand. A morning to decide what to do or not to do. Those aren't questions. They are ponder fodder. 
The sun is shining. I can see the trees are moving. Wind. Clouds. Blue sky. I have on my sloppy work pants and thread worn chambray shirt. I suspect my first thoughts of the day are to finish the Spring cleaning. I created messes pulling things out. Sorting to put them away in a donation box or elsewhere isn't like pulling out an awful splinter. 
It is emotionally worse.

Streaming Television
I have discovered that not all channels allow watching the live programs being aired unless you have a TV provider. I am not sure how Wifi versus TV signal works.  The news and weather reports are available on some of the major networks, but not the regular programming. There are shows where the program will be available to watch after it airs initially.
If you are considering going the live streaming route instead of regular television viewing, then there is a learning curve. At this point, I am comfortable learning as I go. I am seeing though; the lane ahead might have to include some television.

I've been surfing blogs again to see how things are going at the level this blog is on, personal low end serendipity style. Thus far, I am finding more good blogs that have stop without a word about what happened. The Blogger, Blogs I Follow feature will show the last time a blog posted. Many of those dormant will either be online or deleted. 
Standing out are the variety of clever fun blog names folks have, and, the unbelievable amount of blogs that are online. 
It may seem like blogging is doing well when in reality, there might be fewer of us that are actively blogging. Google doesn't sort those statistics that I have found.

Link to interesting article about blogging
Finances Online dot com 2023 Article

New Feature in April
Bi-weekly pumpkin posts with links to recipes, crafts, art and photographs
It feels only right to promote pumpkins more.

In summary today, using the Raleway main font with Handlee titles, life goes on into Spring. I haven't been out and about to take photographs or produced artwork to blog about. I have been thinking, but nothing profound has overwhelmed me enough to write up a post on it. I've been reading blogs more than watching television, regular or streaming. 

Have a wonderful day


  1. Ponder Fodder - I like that term!
    I guess we stream Netflix but I'm so used to hubby watching it that it didn't really register with me. I refuse to get into more than one streaming service because we pay too much as it is for our tv and internet. I sometimes think I'd like to try the Disney channel but not enough to pay for it. Signed up (fleetingly) for Amazon Prime around Christmas which supposedly entitled us to 'free' Prime viewing but couldn't figure out how it get it to work.

  2. I'm still finding issues with Blogger, but what else is new?

  3. About blogging, it amazes me when I go to someone's blog and notice that they still have blogs up on their side bar, and they haven't blogged for years. One was about 10 years! I try to update my blog regularly, and if they haven't blogged in forever, then off they go. I only have about 30 up, and they are good friends who have delightful blogs, visit, and comment. Good for you for Spring cleaning and sorting and donating. Many people would love your stuff I'm sure.


  4. Maryanne,
    The more I research, the more money I see possibly flying out the window. Prime, I canceled when price went up.

  5. William,
    Blogger has new glitches waiting in the wings.

  6. Sheri.
    Those follow lists have the feel of a graveyard. I expect covid might have canceled out some folks that nobody knows had a blog.

  7. Blogger always has some issue or other. I have cut back on posts this winter but spring May change that.

  8. Marie,
    As pretty as winter can be, Spring is prettier. :)

  9. Good morning, when we lived in the woods we had no wifi there-we have never been into all the tech stuff so it didn't really matter. Here at the lake the local co op offers wifi and the tv landline, and internet are sooo much less expensive-although the rates are going up quite a bit this year do to what's going on in washington dc now. I have never streamed just buy the tv service-it's good enough for us seniors haha
    I started cleaning too and then got distracted with spinning and now planting lots of seeds in bottles.
    I always preferred blogging-and then when facebook arrived all my blogging friends left for that instead. It is difficult to find new friends here on blogger, if I didn't participate on the T group I wouldn't know where to find new friends. blogger seems to have more glitches going on too. well I wrote a book it seems smiles Happy mid week Kathy

  10. Happy week Kathy!

    Reading blogs for a while can sometimes provide a blog to follow. In my blog travels, I think the majority I follow are from those referrals.

  11. What a wonderful post ~ so filled with your thoughts, actions ~ thanks for info about blogger and blogging ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I'm getting ready to cut the cable cord (I've said that for months). I will have a small antenna to watch the local channels, so I will still see all the local network programs and news. And then with my roku stream the other channels. Yeah, the curve takes a bit.

  13. At the moment I do more blogging than watching television!

    Enjoy these last few days of March.

    All the best Jan

  14. Carol,
    A look see what's going is good. Also, an Internet search of your name and blog is a good idea to regularly do now and then.

  15. Jeanie,
    You've been busy. Better late than never.
    Comparing yearly cost of cable against other costs can be shocking an eye opener.

  16. Jan,
    So far I'm nearing half and half blogging and TV.
    Happy Almost April!

  17. We jump from streaming service to streaming service, having only one at a time. Watch a series until it's done, then move on. Right now we're without any streaming service. Spring is a busy time in the garden, and who wants to watch tv in summer when the light lingers long into the evening. I still enjoy blogging much more than any other social media platform.

  18. Lorrie,
    You are right about being outdoors instead of watching TV. Gardens are healthier all round.
    It is sad to see magnificent patios with televisions installed.

  19. Lately I've been clicking on more commenters' icons and visiting new-to-me blogs, and I've found some real gems. Some I'm surprised don't have more commenters. We bought a Roku stick, and I guess some of what's available with that are live-streamed shows. I haven't explored it too much, though I have found some old shows on the Roku channel. I'm enjoying the clean fun of Little Mosque on the Prairie. Some of the acting could be better, but I'm kind of enjoying it nonetheless.

  20. Becki,
    Good observation about lack of commenters.
    Blogging apparently has the Favorite Blog syndrome going on.


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