A Bit of Saturday Chatter

Stern & Waves

Water is fascinating to watch as well as a meditative experience to paint in watercolor. Waves swelling up next to a boat's stern raises images of a deep dark moody ocean rolling towards land.

Study the color patterns. Think about the motion of wind on water, and  the push of gravity. As the tiny waves near the shoreline, delight in the silvery sparkle of surf. In a chilly spring wind, shiver slightly with a shimmering reflection.

A Spring Reflection

That is where I had a coffee this morning. Thinking about nothing but what I could see.

Allergy season means being out and about early because when I take allergy medcine, I normally don't go out again even if it states non-drowsy on the label.

Otter Creek Shoreline

At home, I read the news.

The todo over Twitter's blue check changes is irony on laughable. Entertainers that make massive amounts of money, getting all huffy about a good business decision, when the fee is tiny in comparison to what they charge for a single ticket, is quite ironic.

Reading about Chris Christie's New Hampshire speach helps me recover. Feeling refreshed, I chuckle to imagine a Cheney Christie ticket in the next predidential campaign.

Is it possible, one might ask, that I've had too much fresh air?  


Anyway, my nose is still running. It is windy out. The three days of rain in the forecast washing pollen out of the air will be a relief. It will be a good time to write poetry.


  1. I've never had an allergy problem, but I'm still getting over being as sick as I've ever been.

  2. William,
    Prayers you continue to feel better
    First bad day, I took a covid test. It is negative. I might take another because feeling bad during allergy season is difficult to figure out allergy or a sickness.

  3. I do like your first photograph ... I enjoy being by water, it can be very relaxing.

    Sorry about allergy season, our pollen count has been quite high!

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  4. I love to photograph reflections! One of the wonders of the world!

  5. Jan,
    Water is a soothing atmosphere. Babbling brooks through the woods is a relaxing sound.
    Rain washing away pollen here today is a small relief.
    Have a wonderful Sunday

  6. Marie,
    Your photos of the reflections of ice on the ocean are stunning!

  7. You have a beautiful spot for inspiration for your paintings. I have trouble painting water. But I admire those who pull it off so well. I love a river or a lake.

    Good luck with the allergies. It feels extra allergic out there these days.Have a lovely Sunday!

  8. Jeanie,
    Painting rocks and water are two things I've wanted to learn. They aren't easy.

  9. I love watching water too-soothing and calming usually.
    I am fighting allergies too-I walk around light headed with out taking the medicine-since I am retired I try not to take it too much any more unless I just have too.
    Happy new week

  10. Maywyn - gorgeous photos of the water. There is always something so relaxing about just sitting and watching the reflections. May your allergies get better friend. Hugs!

  11. Kathy,
    Yiur view of the water is magnificent.
    Same here for taking as little allergy medicine as possible. Remember, outdoors, a mask helps.

  12. Hugs, Debbie
    The rain has brought some relief.

  13. I generally avoid early mornings and evenings because allergies seem to be worse during those times. 'Course that may be just me! A good downfall of rain will help wash a lot of it away.
    We live beside a river which is something I always dreamed of. Do I go and sit by it? Why, no.

  14. Maryanne,
    Mornings and evenings are the worse hours for allergies. I forget why.
    I step out the door AM, it's sneeze city.


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