Cloud Type Identification

Cirrocumulus Stratiformis?
4:03 PM EDT Vermont

Clouds beautify the skies.
Searching the Internet to identify the formation you see above you can be frustrating. I have yet to find a website with a simple page of captioned photographs as examples of each cloud type. 

The formation appears to flow from the north, easterward in front of stratocumulus clouds.

Stratocumulus Clouds
5:19 PM EDT Vermont


  1. I don't think I've ever managed to identify cloud formations (unless I had to in grade school?). I end up just appreciating them for what they are...unless, of course, it's like right now and it's nothing BUT cloud.

  2. Our family dictionary had a double page of labeled photographs of cloud formations, probably what you're looking for! I loved studying them as a little kid.

  3. I found the pages in question but your profile email link doesn't work. If you get in touch I'll send you the pictures.

  4. I'm not sure what they are but they're lovely and so is that blue sky!

  5. Two beautiful formations whatever they are called.

  6. Those are beautiful clouds in a beautiful blue sky.

  7. Maryanne,
    There are a few charts not easy to remember the names. Clouds for me is one of them.
    I studied formations in a geology class. I have a cloud chart. I know scientific facts about formation, but not the name of the cloud. lol

  8. Liz,
    Thank you.
    What I'm looking for is a total cloud formation chart, main types with all classifications.
    The World Meteorological Organization has a good indepth atlas of clouds website. It doesn't have a simple captioned cloud photo page, no text, that I've found so far.

  9. Thank you, William
    It is nice to have a good sky view.

  10. Liz,
    Thank you for letting me know.
    The email address is weird. I will try to fix it.

  11. Jeanie,
    The photo editor for automatic color adds depth to the hues.

  12. Marie,
    As kids we made a game of naming clouds after the shapes.

  13. Becki,
    A completely blue sky can be magical as well thinking of how our Earth looks from outer space.

  14. I've always loved looking up to a sky of lovely clouds. Pretty soon, it will be clear skies here, as we enter Spring and Summer. But clouds are just so mysterious and beautiful to me. Nature is incredible, indeed.

    Have a pleasant weekend.


  15. Sheri,
    Clouds are also comforting by way of their familiarity.

  16. Beautiful clouds, it's good to look up sometimes :)

    All the best Jan

  17. Jan,
    Looking up is a mini spa moment for the soul. Earth's sky is great entertainment.

  18. Maywyn you are just great identifying those cloud are gorgeous. Vermont is such a beautiful state. Hugs!

  19. Hugs, Debbie
    I might make my own cloud chart using my photos.

  20. I don't know what they are called, but we've had a lot of rain clouds here lately. Good for the May flowers.
    Pretty photos!


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