A Sink Lip Sync

 In the hope of enhancing your life 
in a light hearted way...
a discovery I share.

At the bathroom sink 
looking in the mirror,
jiggle your hands in the running water
as you lip sync jiggling your chin.

It is funny.
Enjoy Your Life!

One might ask...Does she have nothing better to do?

Actually, being silly is a healthy use of one's time. Think of all the sad and sour faces gone into that mirror. Make up on, make up off, make up faces, drooping eyes and bed hair. Since my hair has grown longer, my morning entertainment quality has increased. 

My spring cleaning clear out is such a success, I've been taking time to admire it before I begin messing it up. The first project is putting together the pieces of old frames I've collected over the years. Hand sawing the wood isn't fun because the cut rarely fits well. I have to sand and fit, sand and fit. In the end, the frames  will not be a standard size. Enter the hardboard covered with cotton duck canvas to fit. 
At Fort Frederic 

I have printed out 3 landscapes to paint during the rainy days. (most sidebar photos)

Spring this year has been so nice, I feel very fortunate for each lovely day we've had here in the Vermont side of the Champlain Valley. Planning for summer is going well with enough variety of things to do that health and weather will not be an issue. A recent arthritic knee injection is going so well that I may be able to walk more as well as farther without pain and discomfort, during and afterwards. Walks, no hiking. 

Salads, smoothies, making a pair of rope sandals, and meals al fresco are at the top of my summer to do list. 

Plans help extend the enjoyment of any season. I believe more so for summer because it can fly by too fast when heat waves bring us indoors.


  1. Well, I must admit this one is different! To me it's a little like the old patting your head while rubbing your tummy...not so easy to do.

  2. Maryanne,
    With practice, you might be able to create music with the water. lol

  3. My Scary Room is such a mess since I started purging things I can't even find my desk. Or my printer. I might put some things on my flash drive and just go to Staples -- At this point in the game, easier and less expensive!

  4. Jeanie,
    Have a lip synch session with your bathroom mirror.
    Life might feel easier afterwards.

  5. Being silly and laughter is sooo good for the soul ~ Great post and photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Carol,
    Have you done the lip sync in the mirror?

  7. Being silly is a good thing.

  8. William,
    Does that mean you lip synced at the sink?

  9. I have to give you credit for all the progress you are making with Spring cleaning and clearing out things. It's not easy, and I know a few people who are doing this right now, and it can be overwhelming. So, good for you. And it's nice to be silly once in a while. We need that sometimes. I think you're right about making plans in the Summer. It gets too hot and sticky, and a planned outing is sometimes just what we need.


  10. Sheri,
    There's one last shelf to sort, but it looks so nice, I might not disturb it. lol


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