Small Somethings to Know

Anchor Hocking Wexford Pattern Glass

The cordial size pressed glass in the Wexford pattern has a 4 seam bowl, 8 stem curves, and a 4 seam base.

This is information that might be handy as a conversation starter. Not everything in life has a crucial significance  to living one's life.

Textured glasses are easier to grip. Thick glass stemware are easier to hold as well. I prefer those styles. 

My favorite water glass is horizontal ribbed barrel shape called Park Avenue by Anchor Hocking. I bought them at a thrift store. Alas, a discontinued pattern, I have only one left. Time to find another pattern.

Do you have a favorite water glass pattern?


  1. This reminds me of the same glasses that Jess received from Brian's grandmother. Your glass looks sturdy and very nice. I will have to ask her if it's the same pattern. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a splendid week.


  2. We were visiting each other on our blogs around the same time this morning. I notice things like that haha. ; )

  3. Lol!
    Sometimes after replying and reading emails, I check again, and find a blogger left a comment.

  4. Sheri,
    They are a popular glass. I was lucky to find a pair at the thrift shop. I'll be shopping for the water goblets this summer.

  5. I like the Wexford Pattern Glass. Bet drinking out of this type of glass makes the beverage taste extra special. Hope you had a great weekend. Hugs!

  6. I haven't thought about a glass pattern but I do like a heaver glass. I also purchase most of my glasses at the thrift store. We have high ball glasses that are heavy crystal that I purchased at a thrift store. I love the weight of them.

  7. Debbie,
    Water first thing in the morning before coffee, the small glasses are perfect.
    Hugs for a great week

  8. Cathy,
    I agree with you, heavier glasses are better
    And, they don't get knocked over as easy as lighter glasses.

  9. My favorite water glasses are my IKEA ones -- they're practically indestructable. Maybe if dropped on a tile floor, but not on linoleum! I do love beautiful crystal, though It just sparkles and I feel special when I use it.

  10. I have the last of some of my mother’s dishes. The end of an era for sure. Well used and appreciated!

  11. Hmmm - I must say that I haven't given the glasses we use any thought. When we get low we head for the thrift store and find ones that feel good in our hands and that have a heavy base that helps them not to tip over easily. Beyond that I don't care what they look like. Perhaps I should pay more attention!

  12. Jranie,
    Ikea has a nice selection of glasses at good prices.
    There's no Ikea store in Vermont. Massachsetts has a store though. :)

  13. Marie,
    Heirloom dishes brings love to the table.

  14. William,
    Close up photos can reveal surprising textures.

  15. Maryanne,
    Selecting glasses and dishes according to mood is fun.
    For a fruit fill summer drink, water or other, I use a barrel shape wine glass.

  16. Lovely glassware ~ didn't know Anchor Hoking did that class ware ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. This is very pretty. I think I will start looking for these. Mine are very boring...:(

  18. Carol,
    Anchor Hocking has several nice glass patterns,

  19. Debra,
    There are some of the glasses being offered online, but at higher prices than the thrift store.
    I search, to bring up interesting glasses at good prices.

  20. Yes, textured glasses are easier to grip! The AH Wexford is nice and I can see why you like it.
    We have many, no favorite. There's a small Moroccan type red glass on the kitchen counter now that I've been using for water lately. I have a whole collection of them... red, blue, and purple! I've been gifted some nice glassware but some of it is thin and not easy to grasp so don't really use it. A few years ago, while washing a thinner type glass, I used too much force and it broke... a big piece of it cut me very badly... so now I probably prefer thicker ones.

  21. Mary
    Ouch. Thin glasses do easily break. Your colorful glasses are happy to imagine.

    The one thin glass I used broke when I barely put the sponge in to wash it. I used a butterfly stitch and waterproof bandages, frequent changes, to keep it moist while the worse cut knit closed. Dried, it hurt when skin edge rolls up.


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