The Wonderful Dandelion

A Field of Dandelions

Imagine how much 
green food is in those dandelions.

Wishing all y'all a sunny weekend!


  1. That is one of the prettiest photos I've seen lately. I love Dandelions, and a few seem to come around on my lawn every Spring. I've never seen a field full of them though, isn't that something?

    Have a good May weekend.


  2. wow I have never see so many dandelions in one place-I love dandelions and save them when I can-when I am weeding

  3. Apparently dandelions were a very popular salad component in parts of the UK at one time.

  4. Sheri,
    In rural Vermont, unplowed fields can be covered in dandelions. It is an amazing sight.

  5. Kathy,
    There is one particular place I hope that I can get a picture of.
    Years ago, it was a 3-5 acres of densely packed dandelions, a flower to flower field.

  6. Graham,
    In the 1940s, 1950s, dandelions were a frequently on the table where I grew up outside of Boston.
    They seemed to disappeared as I grew older. I think fewer home gardens, and the lawn chemical industry contributed to their faded popularity.
    We moved to the city when industrial development wiped away rural areas. Foraging for greens is unsafe in cities.

  7. that would be awesome to view

  8. Dandelions haven’t appeared here yet! It won’t be long though.

  9. A field of dandelions such as you've shown, is a beautiful sight! Too bad they are so maligned in our modern landscaping.

  10. The view on a sunny day is spectacular, Kathy.

  11. William,
    There are a lot of dandelion fields in this rural county.

  12. Marie,
    Soon your blog will have wildflowers posted. :)

  13. Lorrie,
    It is curious why such a healthy green is thought of as bad. I think it has to do with the rush to kill weeds for a beautiful lawn.

  14. That is a beautiful Field of Dandelions :)

    All the best Jan

  15. Jan,
    Your recent blog post about dandelions is good to read.

  16. We saw a number of fields of dandelions on our little road trip yesterday - beautiful!

  17. Bravo!
    It is good to read y'all were out and about.


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