A Theme for Summer

Budding Trees of May 2023

Trade offs. 



Every sesson has them.
In spring, the Chartreuse beauty of budding trees is welcome. The green dusty pollen full air is not. 
In summer, the sunshine is a joy. Slathering on sun screen and hiding under wide brim hats, may save us from skin cancer, but not the monster of anxiety worrying about it.

We, I feel, do the best we can with what nature brings us. What we bring to nature hasn't been as good as it should be.

This summer, I want to focus on enjoying nature more. Once a week I hope to stay outdoors for an hour that will gradually build up to a weekly 5 hours.

If I play computer games outdoors, then the time will fly. If I paint outdoors, then the minutes will blur. Reading outdoors will devour the hours. Loafing around, writing poetry, having fruity wine spritzers, watching birds and dragon flies sounds like a good afternoon under a sun shade. 

Being outdoors is the theme for my 75th summer.

If you don't have one, then please share,  what would your summer theme be?


  1. I love all the wonderful colours of green in the spring and looking out my window I see trees that look just like the ones in your photo.
    I'm not a wearer of sunscreen (I know...horrors!!) but in my defense I also don't seek out the sun because I usually break out in hives if I spend too much time in it. I don't like putting chemicals on my body so I opt out of sunscreen unless I know I'm going to be out in the sun for any long period of time.
    My plan for this summer is to hope that we have enough good weather on Sundays for me to spend them out on the balcony with my book. Last summer it either rained or was too cool for pretty much the entire summer so I didn't make use of our outdoor area as much as I would have liked.

  2. Oh, it's a wonderful idea to take an hour each week and spend it outdoors. I just spent time outside doing lots of yard work, and as I was out for awhile snapping the branches of the big tree limb that fell, I noticed one yellow tulip growing on the side of the yard. It was growing in the wild, and was a such an unexpected and pretty sight. This is a good Summer theme. Can't think of a better one. The fruity wine spritzers sound good too! ; )


  3. Summer is not a favored season for me!

  4. Maryanne,
    Prayers you have good summer reading weather this year.

    Similar summer situation here. The heat waves took a chunk of fun out of being outdoors last summer. I remember a couple of times being close to calling 911 due to the heat. That won't happen this year.

  5. Sher,
    What a fun surprise!
    Maybe a squirrel planted it.
    I know they can dig as well as run with bulbs in their mouth. lol

    I will update as the theme progresses.

  6. William,
    Summer use to be my least favorite season.
    I don't know what happened to change it. It's disconcerting in an acclimation sort of way, to like hotter weather the older I get.

  7. Outdoors works for me! Love it!

  8. Enjoying the outdoors is a theme around here, too, whether gardening, or exploring our island. Later this summer we will be taking a long trip that will extend several months.

  9. Lorrie,
    Your trip up north was fantastic to read about.
    Safe & Happy Travels!

  10. Marie,
    Looks like a summer with nature!

  11. May, your plans for summer sound wonderful. I'm going to try to employ some of these ideas. I especially like the idea of reading outside.

  12. Becki,
    A summer isn't summer without a reading list. You have a good plan.
    I think this year, I will read more than I have in the past by making the effort to be outdoors.

  13. It is a blessing to be able to spend time outdoors.
    I always enjoy this time of year seeing the flowers beginning to bloom and buds on trees and bushes.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. Jan,
    This is a good time of year. The renewal vibe lifts the spirits the best of all seasons.


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