Thoughts On Possibilty Confetti

Years have gone by for me without a printer.  I donated them, used and unused.

As the seasons flow, the body transforms, the TV line up adjusts, our basic lives also change. Thus, need for another printer,  a simple inexpensive, AIO ( all in one) with single cartridge print black only mode. 

In the days of entering the digital age, I printed out nearly everything  with a print button, including photographs. 

My first printer, circa 1992, needed a double ink cartridge about every 6 months. I used it up to circa 2000 +/-, printing out term papers, homework and notes for college courses (as a non traditional student). I miss that printer most.
The new fancier printers needed ink so often, I'm guessing I reduced my printer use by 75%. Colored photos were printed only when being painted from. 

The majority of those pages are  confetti along the recycled paper path. Shredders are so improved, they create wonderful confetti for mixing paper mache, and pulp for homemade paper. 

On the possibility of confetti front, printing out my blog posts will be a thrill for me.  Downloading the blog, last I tried, was not a thrill.

Alas, I suspect those hard copies will be scanned and digitally stored to makes more confetti. 

Do you use a printer often? Print out your blog posts?


  1. I've never printed out a blog post but that's a great idea. I got a new printer this year for my birthday and I haven't used it much. But coincidentally....I used it today! I got some cute printables from Etsy and printed them out. I'll cut them out and glue them in a book and consider myself creative! heeheehee! Enjoy your afternoon!

  2. Diane,
    You are very creative! Your blog banner and photos are always well done.
    Thank you for the idea!
    I have an Etsy quilt pattern I can print out to bring with me to buy fabrics. It will be easier than using my phone.

  3. I have a new-ish printer - a Brother that has ink 'tanks' that supposedly mean you can print more before having to replace them. It was cheaper than the Canon tank printer that I really wanted. I use it mainly to print photos of our grandies and family and also photo inspiration for landscapes. Sometimes I will print a knitting or crochet pattern. Never have printed any blog posts and actually have never thought of it. I remember reading about one blogger who uses some type of service to print her blog every year but I don't think mine is interesting enough for that sort of expense.

  4. I don't print out blog posts, though I should. Right now, it's not working but when it is I often print out photos (not on good paper) so I can work with them for painting projects without having to have the computer at hand. Mine goes through ink and then I don't use it for awhile and the ink stops working. I really should upgrade to a more efficient model.

  5. Printers come from the Devi is my take on printers. I am somewhat tech savvy, but I loathe printers. HA. I don't print all that much anymore. I do print out some important papers to file or a page here or two for a project. I don't have a fancy one at all, since I think they become obsolete many times. I do make a blog book each year. I tried printing once, but it seemed to take more paper than I thought necessary. I use a site called Blog2Print. I watch for coupons and then get a yearly book.

  6. Maryanne,
    Tank is a good description for ink cartridges to print.

    Changing the design of a good product printer to use too much ink too quickly is disgraceful.
    I was stunned learning color ink mixed with black ink in order to print the black only option. It takes pitiful to a new level.

  7. Jeanie,
    Some inks dry out faster, and the header things get clogged.

    Reminds me of a drawing pen I paid about $30.00 dollars for way back when that clogged after a few lines.

  8. Sandy,
    I hear you, and second that from the devil.
    The only update most printers ever need is efficient reliable ink use. Printing is like jump rope, it doesn't need redesigning.

  9. William,
    The library is a good resource. I printed copies there for years. My recent need for printed documents pushes me to use an at home printer again.

  10. I have never printed my blog. We use a printer rarely but feel the need to have one. Strange…

  11. Marie,
    A printer on hand reduces the stress of needing to go out to make copies of documents.
    The scan feature is a bonus.

  12. Try not to use a printer much now ~ have the all in one and it is handy ~ for house info ~ blog printing ~ hmm ~ rarely ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Carol,
    Printers are handy.
    Have a great week

  14. Huh. It never occurred to me to print out my blog posts. But that would certainly be another way to preserve them. I use our laser printer pretty often, but it does not compare to how much I used a printer when we homeschooled. So much paper... Ugh.

  15. My printer is also an all in one, but a basic model that is well over 6 years old and thankfully still working well. It is a compact model that fits well atop a small filing cabinet. I never print blog posts and have reduced printing copies of online orders, but listing them instead to check against a credit card statement. The copy feature is the most used on my printer, scanning rarely, and photo reprints never.

  16. Becki,
    Paper use is wild!
    I've kept all my printed homework, class notes, term papers and such. I think after 20 years, it needs to visit shred city.

  17. Beatrice,
    You have a good printer.

    The HO AIO I have is a lightweight compared to heavy printers I had in the past.

  18. Sorry...that should be HP AIO.


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