Monday, June 05, 2023

Reflection Monday June 2023


Directions. Thoughts. Ideas. Wishes.

A place to be.

A place to leave.

A place to flourish.

The chair is in its 5th color life. A hue with the destination reached vibe, stay here, be here, leave and flourish here. 
Moving is good for the soul, 
Makes the muscles smile and the attitude fresh.

Life eroding into dust to dust,
we must live this way the closer we are
to knowing the years are not going 
to be forever. 
It makes no sense to me that as intelligent
beings, we haven't found a way to 
continue in the flesh. 
 I know I am too old to entertain
activities I might have done in my younger years.
Sky diving, for example, even tandem,
could mean months of physical therapy.
I will never run a marathon
or be a pearl diver.
I say, meh.
I am a good dreamer.

This is not a poem. btw.
Bloggers center posts.
This is a center post.
for some random thoughts
I reflect on.


  1. It works like a poem though. Marathons and skydiving were never in my plans at any age!

  2. Liz,
    In our dreams, we can almost do anything.

  3. Some days we just have to pause, reflect, and dream, don't we?

    Have a pleasant June week.


  4. Those who can't do can at least dream right?

  5. Sheri,
    A wonderful week to you! June has been sunny so far. Most of the week is forecast to be rain.

  6. Hena,
    Dreaming is good because if we ever get there in reality, we are experienced. :)
    Happy June!

  7. Dreams are a beginning and can happen if persevering ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. William,
    The color fits so well, I wonder what I was thinking 4 colors ago.
    I went through the barn red vibe, the everyone loves gray craze, and the all white or else you won't go to heaven phase. The original stain is golden pine.

  9. I'd certainly be happy with that blue chair - my favourite colour.
    Not a poem? Whyever not? It's better than a good many named poems.

  10. Thank you, Maryanne
    I don't mind posting what I write, but I am challenged to know if it has merit.


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