The Flower Planters & Pal 2023

Petunias are happy this year.

Not sure if this is sage or catnip 
Round 2 foot shape in clumps.
In the ground, not a planter.
Anyone recognize it?
These two photos (above, below) are the same planter taken at different angles.

A larger view of the unknown plant, lots of spikes with numerous flowers, long bloomer.

The other planter isn't as fast to bloom. It has longer shade and open exposure to deal with. The lobelia are the only plant in there producing well so far.


  1. Pinch and sniff and you'll know if it's sage!

  2. Love the colours…so summery!

  3. Well what ever it is it is beautiful. Your gardens are so happy and beautiful.

  4. Thank you, Liz
    I didn't think of that. I'll check in the morning.

  5. Marie,
    Colors this year seem to be more vibrant.

  6. Cathy,
    It is a lovely plant for a larger border.

  7. I'm pretty sure that it's Catmint , a species of Catnips.


  8. Thank you, Graham
    I saw on the P. Allen Smith, PBS show his garden has a catnip similar to the photo. He recommends it.

  9. I'm sorry I can't identify the plant, but it's certainly a showpiece whatever it is. The petunias too. I could never seem to grow them because they would always get long and leggy once the first blooms were done no matter how I pinched them back. Finally gave up on them in favour of other flowers that performed better.

  10. SP, You have a colorful and very healthy looking group of blooms and if the rain forecast for Nashua, NH, also falls in your area, they will be even more prolific in days to come.

  11. I don't know the unknown plant but it's retty!

  12. Maryanne,
    Petunias have also not done well for me. Due to my hummingbird guilt, this year I try petunias again. It is the least I can with my pinwheel fooling the hummingbirds into stopping to check it out.

  13. Beatrice,
    Rain here as well, a gentle soaking rain.
    We've had a lot of rain so far in June.

  14. Jeanie,
    I think Graham is right, it is a style of catnip. It is an impressive, hardy plant.

  15. William
    A few rainless days allowed the flowers to bloom better.

  16. Hello,
    Your flowers are pretty. I have a Catmint plant, but it looks a little different than the one in your photos. The bees love it, mine is a little color too. Your petunias are pretty, your photos are lovely. Thanks for visiting my blog. Take care, happy Sunday. Have a great new week!

  17. A great week to you as well Eileen
    Rain in our forecast

  18. Lots of pretty flowers growing in your garden this Spring. I love that deep purple one, and my favorite color, I might add. ; ) Looks like you have a green thumb. My mini rose bushes made it through the winter's snow, and the first bloom came up recently. I was pleasantly surprised.


  19. Sheri,
    Roses are a garden treasure.
    I might try one this year.


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