July 2023, Week 28, Day 196

After all the rain we've had in New England, I expect in the news will be reports of mosquito activity. Already, not a day goes by without reading a headline about a diseases ticks and mosquitoes carry. 

It is a serious issue.
Be Safe. 
Use bug repellant, long pants and when you can, a mosquito net hat. 

Alas, I have high hopes that August will be a summery summer month.

After watching on YouTube the UK art series for Portrait Artists of the Year, and Landscape Artists of the Year, my enthusiasm is on the rise. 
The contestants are given 4 hours to complete their artwork of a model or place. If I give myself an hour, then I might be encouraged to finish paintings.  

I'm still writing poems, but no new poetry blog as yet. When I have a good name, I search the Internet as well as the domain name availability. Using the name of a poem for the blog name is the what I am going with.

Meanwhile, today is dust, vacuum, wash floors, shred papers, and laundry. 

Have a spectacular weekend!

Make something out of cardboard
Pack a sandwich lunch 
Have lunch outdoors
Read about celery
Sing to a flower
Draw a set of stairs
Day dream about a beach cottage
Study local wind currents


  1. Hello Maywyn- I have been wondering how you are-you must not have gotten flooded. I'm so sorry to see all the devastating pictures of the flooding. My grandparents went through the flood of'72 around here, and we all helped them remove mud from their first floor and cellar. It was so bad-a whole city was changed forever because of that flood.

  2. Debra,
    There's an awful lot of flood clean up to do around Vermont and other parts of New England. Prayers the rain eases up.

  3. It is too hot here to do housework. Lucky me. Stay cool and dry over there.

  4. Marie,
    The air conditioner keeps the rooms at a nice cool, but not cold temperature. Sitting outdoors, though, is not comfortable.

    Have a good weekend!

  5. I'm so glad that you're not in the flooded area and hopefully the rain will stop for awhile. I don't remember ticks ever being a health risk when I was younger but now they seem to be a huge issue and getting worse all the time. And now we have to be concerned about mosquitoes too (beyond the fact that they're annoying). I wonder if it's the decline in the bird population that's allowing the bugs to increase.

  6. That sounds like an interesting series. I need to look it up!

  7. Oh, those mosquitos. I was jut out watering one morning, and got bit in a couple places. How nice that you are painting again. Such a talent for sure. Your lists are always delightful. Stay cool this weekend - it's a pretty hot one here. ; )


  8. Maryanne,
    Good point, a decrease in birds. Interesting subject to research.
    Tall grass was always cause for a parent to caution us against ticks and snakes. There was fields of it everywhere when I was a toddler.

    In the news, it has been both here in Vermont as farther south mosquitoes have tested positive for viruses.

  9. Jeanie,
    The first seasons of the potrait series all the episodes are on YouTube. After those, the episodes aren't all listed.
    It is very educational to see the different techniques and painting styles.

  10. Sheri,
    Sorry you were bitten.

    I spray repellent before going out, even to do errands. The bug repellent ruins my toenail polish, but no bites when I get in my car is worth it. I spray good the back of my shorts as the fabric is not thick enough to stop a mosquito.


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