Thoughts About Sunset Cabins

Homemade Signage

Sunset Cabins* is a fictious place that nourishes my day dreams. I made the little sign over ten years ago to remind me of a dream place where my mind can vacation.

Wondering about the psychology of cabin versus city life, a quick Google search provides me with a few avenues to explore.

 I'm not trying to decide on one or the other. I know there are benefits in both areas.

But, why lean towards one and not the other?

Frankly, I  want a mesh of woods and city life, an environment compatible with the security of services and population numbers that city life provides. Thankfully, where I live now is ideal. 


*Note,  there is a real place, Sunset Cabins Maine on Lake Darmariscotta.

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  1. since we are in our 70s now it would be difficult to live too rural now. although where our woods home is there was more convenient shopping nearby then here at the lake-so now I shop allot online and it gets delivered-being lazy I know haha happy new week

  2. Happy New Week, Kathy!

    Living at a lake like you do there, is worth not being close to shopping.

  3. Wonderful that where you live now is what you like ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. To live in a Happy place ever is the best. If you can do It your are really afortunated. Have a nice summer.

  5. Carol,
    Yes, it is nice.
    Living on Cape Ann would be nice as well.
    Have a wonderful week

  6. I like the idea of a place in my mind to go on vacation. I do think often of places I've been so I guess I had that place already, I just hadn't named it. Love the idea of Sunset Cabins... wonder what mine will be.

  7. At the moment we're lucky because we live right on the local river so we have water views, plus we're close to a hospital should the need arise. However, if the powers-that-be are to be believed, our town is set for a huge population explosion over the next few years and that has us concerned. We simply don't have the services here to accomodate that sort of growth and certainly there are enough crazy drivers here already without adding additional volume. They say if you can drive here, you can drive anywhere (and that's not coming from the locals who have to deal with it every day).

  8. Oh Yes, I know what you mean, it's wonderful to have all the conveniences of the city and access to shopping and all our needs. The mountains only have a few stores, but they have pretty much all that we need. It's hard to get workers up here though when things are broken. So, most of us drive to the city to get all these things. And there really is nothing like looking out and seeing a forest of pine trees, and the deer! Oh, those deer. I'm so glad you live in an ideal place. My heart has always wanted to see Vermont.

    Have a blessed week.


  9. Latane,
    Pick a meaningful name for your signage. It doesn't have to be wood. Cardboard signs are easy to make.

  10. Maryanne,
    I hope the population there stays in balance with the services.

    Local opinion about driving is always a hoot to read about.

    In Massachusetts 1960s, I said the drivers act like they just put their horse and buggy away. I lived near New York City in those days. When I was old enough to drive in MA, I don't notice any difficulties. lol

  11. Sheri,
    Your views there in the mountains are gorgeous!
    A city is worth not living near when the scenery is magical.

  12. I need the city life.. but also some space which suburbia provides. When we pass by smaller towns and rural areas I always ponder about what life must be like here in these parts. But I think I would bore of it too quickly.

  13. Hena,
    Loved reading about your Switzerland trip.

    It is an adjustment moving from one environment to another. The consensus, years ago with friends, was it took a year to relax from living in or around New York City to the Southwest.

  14. Part of me would like a country life. Especially some days.


  15. William,]
    A country life within view of a city would be ideal.


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