Friday, July 07, 2023

Weather & the Thunderstorm

Thunderstorm Weather Symbol


Earth's mood swings

Atmospheric goings on

What's it like outdoors?

Wherever we may be,  there is weather. We plan for it. We dress for it. We pray for it. 

What surrounds us under the sky is our background. 

This morning  I step outside to a gentle breeze, warm, dry, comforting. The biosphere is embracing the beauty of summer, and me with it.

The National Weather Service meteorological forecast  indicates rain and possible thunderstorms mainly after 1 PM EDT in Vermont today. 
I haven't counted the number of days we've had a similar report, but I guess it is well over a dozen since late May 2023.

Looking Towards the Southwest

A recent thunderstorm system moved directly over Vergennes. It was huge from north to south, nearly horizon to horizon.

Looking Southeast

Safety. The rule is that if you can hear thunder, then lightening is close enough to strike you. 

Get out of the water!
When we heard that command at the town pool or beach, we got out of the water.

Thunderstorms may be beautifully dramatic, but they can also be tragically fatal.


  1. We are having a lot of rain this year too. Those systems you have head east of course. Humidity this week is worse though!

  2. Marie,
    PEI being an island with a strong fishing industry, I imagine weather there is woven into daily life more so than forest lands.

    We have big Lake Champlain, but it isn't the beautiful Atlantic.

  3. yes, ~ definitely an unsettled weather season here too in MA ~ stay safe ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Carol,
    Unsettled is a good description.
    The sooner the weather settles into summer, the happier I'll be.

    Love your blog posted Haiku today

  5. Maybe that's why your Vermont Autumns are so beautiful. You get thunderstorms in the Summer. Rain is good for so many reasons. We got a good amount of it here in the mountains too.


  6. Sheri,
    Rain there is great news!
    Put West has been so dry, the prayers continue for reasonable rainfalls.

  7. There's a phrase that we hear often here - 'If thunder roars, get indoors' and it's a good suggestion. There was an item on the news a few days ago that said that lightning travels through the ground and can kill you even though the actual storm seems to be far enough away not to be dangerous. I used to love thunderstorms but in recent years I am far more cautious because they can turn to something really dangerous.

  8. Maryanne,
    That is a good saying, easy to remember like the flooded road warning...Don't Drown, Turn Around.

    Severe thunderstorms, even using a surge protector, I sometimes unplugged things and take off my jewelry.

  9. Yup. I never heard that about hearing thunder then lightning is close but at the first sound of it, I'm out of the water pronto. It just isn't worth taking a chance, even if the storm takes long to come.

  10. Jeanie,
    Good you get out of the water for sure.

    The distance lightening can strike was a surprise to me until several years ago, in the news, a young girl was killed by a distance thunderstorm's lightening strike during a softball game. The games are always called off, but the storm was so far away, they didn't have that chance.

  11. As I write this, we are under a tornado warning.

  12. William, Stay Safe!
    Agh! Warnings are seriously scary.


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