Mental Health Blog Break? Nah, Just an Initial Reaction

Dark Road
The New Hampshire* primary results are depressing,
sending America down a dark road.
I need a few days to recover.

Edited...Maybe not
because this helps me feel better:

*I still love New Hampshire


  1. It sure seems like Donald AH is rolling right over everybody once again. I can't understand the mentality of people who vote for his outlandish ways. Heaven help the world.

  2. Amen, Maryanne
    We are heading down a dark road in America if he wins the nomination.

  3. Joe Biden won the nh dem primary without even being on the ballot! Don't give way to despair just yet.

  4. Liz,
    That's a slight despair the Democrats haven't pulled up a better candidate, yet.
    Considering January 6th, if he wins the nomination, I have the fear it will be a very ugly nasty campaign on a ya ain't seen nothin' yet scale.

  5. I know. I was hoping it would be closer. It's going to be ugly....

  6. Jeanie,
    The only hope there is, is that there are folks keeping a hard eye on the former president.

    If I was Haley, then I'd ask for extra protection security on my team.

  7. I am glad you don't hate us I was very disappointed to but hopefully better days are ahead.

  8. Cathy, better days is what we need to keep hoping for. Hugs!


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