An Adventurous Soup Thermos

Say hello to the new to me soup thermos Iris by Barcelona.  After I return home from thrift store shopping, a nice neighbor brings over a container of her stew.

Saturday's lunch (today) will be in the great outdoors. Forecast to be mostly cloudy, I feel mentally prepared after (recent) watching a few below zero degrees winter bushwhacking YouTube videos.

Lost In the Wilderness...Clay Hayes
30:13 minutes
37:55 minutes
48:56 minutes

Discover the Secrets of the All Night Fire...Clay Hayes
15:53 minutes


  1. Great soup container ~ Outdoors is wonderful and rather be out in it than watching ~ do enjoy the views from my home, though ~ ejoy ~ hugs

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Carol,
    The view you have of the ocean is stunning!

  3. That is a beautiful thermos. :) I will enjoy checking out the videos, May!

  4. Interesting thermos but best of all is some stew you didn't have to make. Lovely of your neighbour!

  5. Becki,
    I hope you enjoy the videos. Some of them are very relaxing because they have no music or lots of chatting.

  6. Maryanne,
    As it happened, it was too cold to sit outdoors for lunch. I had a slice of pizza in my vehicle. lol. I feel no shame in that.

  7. This thermos would be great for a picnic or outing in nature. So nice of your neighbor to bring you some stew that you could enjoy outdoors. A good thrift store find.


  8. Sheri,
    A very good find. A wide neck thermos is nice to have.


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